The People In The Island

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Ashley's pov

I look to my sides while still diving, seeing my dragons smiling while doing the same. I hear Blaze laugh at us and start to come down as well. I open my arms and my legs, flattening my body to make me slow down, and look at Ghost. I whistle, making him and Twilight open their wings and start to glide. Ghost comes under me and I land on his back, while petting his head.

"OK guys, let's walk!" I tell the dragons smiling.

"I love when you walk! You look so happy every time you do that!" Twilight says making me smile. I stand up on Ghost's back, seeing Twilight and Blaze fly next to him, but a bit lower. I walk on his wing, sliding down onto Twilight's back. She is right, I love to do this, defy gravity and walk in the sky between dragons. I pet her head while smiling and turn to see Blaze under her.

"Are you both ready?" I ask them, as I get ready to do my favorite part.

"Yes!" they both answer at the same time, making me chuckle.

"OK here I go." I put my arms around Twilight's neck and slide off her back, holding her so I won't fall. I feel her grab my ankles and I let go of her neck. Hanging upside down, I hold on to Blaze's horns I tap my feet on Twilight's body, which is the signal to drop me. I do a handstand for a couple of seconds on her horns but soon enough I get down and sit on her neck.

"Yay! Another great sky walking!" Twilight says making me smile.

"It really was. Let's fly some more, then we find an island to rest." I tell them smiling and scratching Blaze's neck.

"We could camp on the island. It's been a while since we've done that." Blaze says and we all agree.

After a few hours of flying, I'm back on Twilight's back and I see an island that seems like a good spot for us to stop. I signal them, pointing to the place island and we fly down there, landing on a field.

I get off her back and look around, taking in the surroundings. Looking to the sky, I realize that the sun is setting, so we need to be fast.

"OK, guys. The sun will set soon so we need to get going. Ghost and Twilight, you are on fishing duty. Blaze, you make the fire and clean the area. I'll go find some berries and see if there is anything dangerous near here." I tell them and they all nod in agreement, going in separate ways.

I find a big leaf and fold it so I can carry the berries and continue my search. After my improvised basket is almost full, I start to head back, but I stop when I hear a voice that is not from my dragons. I can't understand it, it's like they are murmuring. I put the berries down and grab my daggers, walking towards the voice while hiding behind the trees.

When I find the voice, I see a guy and Night Fury fighting. They both stopped talking, talking fighting positions. The guy has a shield and he point it at the dragon, and a rope with stones is thrown in the dragon's direction, but the nightfury dodges. I won't let this guy take this dragon, this specie is rare. I have only seen one other Night Fury in my life, though he wasn't very friendly and took off, never to be seen again. He only licked be and took off. Not even a thank you.

I put my daggers back on their places and grab my bow and arrows. When the guys steps back, I shoot an arrow that has a deadly nadder spike as arrowhead in front of him, making him stop. It was on that moment that I remembered that I wasn't wearing my armor. Too late now.

"STOP! I won't let you hurt him!" I say stepping out of the trees and pointing my razorwhip spike arrow in between them. I'm still quite far away from them, so the boy can't really know that I'm not aiming at him. I won't shoot if I don't have to. I see the boy whisper something and take the fighting position again, while the dragon runs towards the forest. At least he's safe for now.

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