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Ashley's POV

We all have been bonding, so to say. I've been teaching them some stuff about their dragons, like how Meatlug can produce different types of lava or how Barf and Belch can use their bodies as a wheel of fire, and they have been telling me of the adventures they had, like these men named Dagur and Viggo. I know Viggo, I've saved a few dragons from his evil claws.

Hiccup and I are getting closer as I'm telling him about the other night fury I've met. He's been asking me about Twilight and Ghost, he seems really interested in them, but not in a bad way. He seems to really care about the dragons, and even though the rest of the gang does too, Hiccup it's different. There's just something about him, the way he talks about the dragons it's just... he sounds just so amazed by them.

Right now, Hiccup and I are standing by Twilight, Ghost and Toothless talking about the first time we rode a dragon.

"Toothless was the first dragon a rode. It was years ago, when my village still killed dragons. I'm not proud to say that, though. They are just misunderstood, and Toothless here helped me see that, didn't you bud?" Hiccup says petting his dragon on the head and Toothless responds by licking him in the face, making me laugh.

"How did you even meet?" I ask and Hiccup turns a little more serious, sadder even.

"Like I said, my village used to kill them. I was a kid and was only trying to fit in, so I made a machine that could throw bolas for me. I have to admit I was quite... small." Hiccup says with a hand in his neck, seeming shy, which makes me smile. "One night I used this machine to shoot down Toothless. When I found him, I had in my mind that if I killed him, my village would see me as one of them. But when I was there, standing over him with my dagger in hand, I couldn't do it. He looked at me and I saw myself. I saw that he was just as scared as I was. So I cut the ropes and let him free. Later I realised that by shooting him down, I made him lose one of his tail fins, so felt responsible for making him a new one. And so I did, but it only worked with me keeping it open. That's how I rode my first dragon." Hiccup finishes by looking at Toothless and I can see his regret for shooting him down.

"Can you please tell him that I was never really mad at him, please? Sure, I was annoyed first, but his friendship means more that anything." Toothless says and I smile.

"Sure thing, T. He asked me to tell you that he was never mad at you for what you did. He said that your friendship means more that anything and that even though he was slightly annoyed when it happened, you being his friend makes up for everything." I translate to Hiccup, who looks at me and then down to Toothless again with a smile.

"I love you too buddy. Your friendship means everything to me." Hiccup says and leans his head against the dragon's head. "So what about you, Ashley? How did you end up riding your first dragon?" Hiccup looks back to me and I look at Twilight with a small smile.

"My village got destroyed by an earthquake when I was five, and if it wasn't for Blaze, my village wouldn't have a survivor. She swooped down and took me, saving my life. She flew us back to her home and there started our friendship. She taught me how to understand dragons and then she and I went on missions to save dragons. The first time I rode a dragon was a few weeks after she saved me. I was so scared that I was basically glued to her horns the whole way. Then, years later, I met Twilight, then Ghost and now we're here." I finish petting the heads of the two furies standing by me.

"I'm sorry about your village." Hiccup says with a hint of sorrow in his voice, which causes me to look at him.

"It's alright. It was a long time ago, anyway. The important thing is that I still remember my family. My mom, my dad and my older brother. Dad was the chief of our village and he was training my brother to be the next chief. I remember Axe, my brother, being really exited to be chief. He couldn't wait to make dad proud, even though he already was." I say and my hand immediately goes to my necklace. "Even though I was little, my dad was teaching me how to fight, while my brother was teaching me about dragons. Our village was the odd one because we didn't kill dragons. We did our best to live in peace with them. And my mom was teaching me how to sew and use the scales the dragons shedded to make ink. This necklace is the last thing I have connecting me to them. Each one of us had something made of leather and teeth. Mom and I had necklaces, while dad and Axe had them braided to their hair." I take my hand off my necklace so that Hiccup can see the thick leather necklace with three teeth hanging closely around my neck.

"It's a really nice necklace. And its nice to have a reminder of a good time." Hiccup says sweetly, making me smile.

"Thank you, Hiccup. So, do you want to try to fly one of my dragons? I know they don't mind and, if I'm being honest, these two have been asking me to let you ride them. They like you, you know?" I say looking at Hiccup from the corner of my eye with a smile while petting Ghost.

"A-are you sure? I mean, I would love to!" He says and I chuckle.

"Of course. Who do you want to fly with?" I ask leaning against Toothless.

"I-I gotta say, I'm excited to fly Ghost." He says and I smile.

"Then feel free to climb on. Have you ever flown without a saddle?" I ask and he looks at me with a look that says 'did you really just ask me that?', making me raise my hands. "Sorry I asked. Go on then, dragon master." I say and he climbs on to Ghost.

"Do you want to try to fly Toothless?" He asks and I smile brightly before thinking twice.

"Are you sure? I mean, there's the whole mechanism with the tail and I don't want to end up hurting him." I say as I stand next to the night fury, petting his head.

"I'm sure, it's really easy to understand. I can show it to you if it makes you feel better." He says and I nod. Hiccup then jumps off of Ghost and walks to me. "Climb on and I'll show you the position your foot needs to be." He says and I do as such, climbing onto Toothless' saddle. It's quite different from what I'm used to, but not bad. Hiccup kneels down beside be and places my foot on the right place. "Right, now for the positions of the tail..."

After about ten minutes, Hiccup finally finishes teaching me how to use the tail mechanism. Well, it's more like it took five minutes for him to explain and five more minutes for me to completely understand it. Hiccup gives me a sweet smile, making me give him one back. I'll admit that as I get to know Hiccup, I learned that he's a great guy. He's funny, caring, sweet, and a good person in general. We've stayed awake many nights just talking about random stuff and we have a lot in common. We both love dragons, we like to fly at night, create new things (like our flight suits), we both hate dragon hunters...

Hiccup looks down at Ghost and pets his head slightly, then Ghost takes off to the sky. Toothless looks back to me and I nod, confirming I'm ready. I place my foot in the right position and he takes off soon after.

Toothless and I catch up to Ghost and Hiccup quickly, so the four of us stay flying around. Twilight said that she wanted to talk to Stormfly and stay with Astrid, so she's not flying with us. Hiccup and I share a look and a smile, acknowledging the difference of the flight. I break eye contact a few moments later as I see the sky start to change colours. I look forward and see the sun starting to set, so I look to Hiccup from the corner of my eye, seeing him watching the sunset as well, but then he glances at me too, making me look down and blush slightly for being caught.

I pull the lever on the side of the saddle that makes Toothless' tail stay in position after getting him to fly closer to Ghost. I pet his head twice as I stand up, showing that it's okay. I see Hiccup look at me curious so I just give him a smirk. I whistle to Ghost and he flies lower than Toothless, already catching on on what I'm doing. I slide down Toothless' wing and land right behind Hiccup, who turns to look at me surprised and with a smile. He then grins and turns his head to Toothless, nodding to the dragon. The night fury closes his wings and dives, quickly being followed by a Hiccup, who just jumped after him with a grin on his face and screaming happily.

I look down, seeing Hiccup quickly catch up to Toothless. They both dive towards the ground, even though we're pretty high, just looking at each other, as if this was completely normal. Hiccup then grabs a hold of Toothless' saddle and mounts up, locking his metal foot to the tail mechanism and quickly flying up to me and Ghost again.

"Show off." I say with a chuckle and he gives me a cute laugh in return.

"Says the girl who walked from a dragon to another mid-air." He says and we both laugh. "T-that was really amazing, by the way." Hiccup says putting one of his hands on his neck timidly and I blush.

"Oh, thanks. What you did was really incredible too." I say putting a wild and loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

We smile at each other again, both of us slightly blushing, and continue flying.

The moon fury (Hiccup X OC) }<HIATUS>{Where stories live. Discover now