A Week Later

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(Her armour is kinda like this, but with the colors I wrote before: Ashley's armor is made from scales from several different dragons, with several different colors, but being mostly black, white, green and purple. Her helmet is mostly black with the edges and areas around the eyes being purple, as well as having a white crescent moon on the forehead of the mask. The wings are also bigger.)

Ashley's POV

It's been a week since I met the riders, and we are getting along great. I got to know them more, like how Hiccup and Astrid used to date but found out that they didn't love each other like that so they had a mutual break up and continue to be best friends, also how Snotlout has a huge crush on this girl called Heather. I don't who her, but by the way they talk about her, she seems really cool.

Today I'm teaching Astrid how to walk on dragons. We are starting with Stormfly, so that both of them get used to it. I'm going up with Ghost and Astrid is, obviously, going with Stormfly. I leave to go put on my armor so that I can fuse with Ghost's power. The plan is to tell her what do do and turn invisible so that Astrid and Stormfly can trust each other, even though they already do, but it's a different type of trust.

I walk to back to Astrid and I see her face fill with amazement, making me laugh. It's the first time she see me with my armor, so it makes sense. I twirl quickly, showing her the back, and then put on my helmet, showing off its black base color, with the edges and area surround the eyes being purple, and also the white crescent moon on the forehead. It matches my armor, as it is mostly black, with green, purple and white as well. My armor and helmet are made from dragon scales, multiple dragons, so that I can adjust to they powers, no matter what dragon. I just made sure to keep to keep with consistent colors. I sure am glad that dragons can come in many different colors.

"Come on, Astrid. It's time to learn who to walk in the sky." I smile and climb on Ghost. The gang was someplace else, so they probably just saw us already flying.

"Let's do this!" I hear Astrid say excited. She takes off after me and soon we reach the sky, being meters above the trees.

"Okay, for starters, I want you to stand up on Stormfly's back." I say sitting with my legs criss-crossed on Ghost's bare back.

"We already do that." Astrid says getting up slowly, getting first on her knees and still holding the saddle with one hand.

"I know, but you usually do it when she's moving, which weirdly makes her more steady, as she flaps her wings less because she is mostly gliding. See, when she's flying but staying on the same spot, her body goes up and down as her wings flap." I explain and she looks down, seeing Stormfly's body move up and down with her wings.

"Guess you're right! How did I not notice that before?" Astrid asks, mostly to herself.

"It's different when your sitting down on the dragon." I smile. "Okay, now. Stormfly, I want you to just fly on the same spot, okay?" I ask the dragon and she looks at me.

"Yeah, I can do that." She says and I smile even more.

"Great, and you Astrid. You need to stand up. Do it like you would do when Stormfly is gliding, but bend your knees so you have more balance." I tell her and she nods. "Okay, me and Ghost are going to disappear. We're staying here, but invisible. That's is so that you guys won't be distracted by seeing us. Good luck." I say and tap Ghost lightly on the side of his face twice. I lay down on his back, putting my head over his, and he turns invisible.

I see Astrid take a deep breath and slowly get on her feet. She opens her arm to help with her balance, keeping her knees bent as well.

After a few minutes, Astrid got the hang of it, and now she's standing up normally, without trouble. I scratch Ghost behind his ear and whisper to him to get closer to them. When we get close to Stormfly's head, I sit up and pet Ghost twice on the head again, giving him a signal to turn visible again. As he does, Astrid, gets slightly spooked and steps back. I expected her to fall, but instead she just takes a fighting stance, making me laugh.

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