You will be okay

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(Not revised, so forgive my spelling mistakes if you find one.)

Ashley's POV

After the flight with Hiccup a couple of days ago, him and I somehow got closer. We've been spending a lot of time together, talking about dragons, talking about ourselves, anything really. I have been teaching him how to improve his flying skills with his wing suit, and I gotta say, he's catching up pretty quickly.

It's the middle of the day and we are all by a lake talking. Some are in the water while others are outside, not really swimming. Toothless, Twilight and Ghost are swimming and splashing around, but the other dragons preferred to stay dry.

Astrid, Hiccup, Fishlegs and I are sitting by the lake talking, when I see Sunray, 'my' Changewing, come flying.

"CHANGEWING!" Snotlout screams and everyone looks at the directions he's pointing. All the riders and their dragons stand up and look serious, while Blaze, Ghost and Twilight simply look concern at Sunray. Blaze hits Hookfang on his side, Ghost snuggles his head against Stormfly's leg, and Twilight moves her tail along Toothless' tail, all of them showing them that it's okay.

"Calm down, everyone. She's not going to hurt you." I tell them, stepping forward to meet Sunray, as she just landed. "What is it, girl?" I ask her kindly and worried while petting her head.

"Dragon hunters. They have about 10 dragons locked up in dragon proof cages. There's no time to wait for Valka." Sunray says to me and I hear the dragons gasp quietly.

"Hiccup, Astrid, can I talk to you for a moment?" I say without taking my eyes off of Sunray. When they both say 'yes', concern clearly in their voices, I nod my to Sunray and whistle, telling 'my' dragons to come to her. She flew a long way, she must be tired. I walk away from the group while being followed by Hiccup and Astrid. When we are far enough, I stop and turn to them.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Hiccup asks noticing my serious expression, and the worry that it carries at the same time.

"What did she say?" Astrid asks and I sigh.

"I have to go." I say quite sad, and both of them have wide eyes.

"What?!" Their voices harmonize as they speak together.

"Sunray just told me that dragon hunters got a hold of 10 dragons. I need to go and free them. I'm not always the one who frees them, it's usually other dragons under my request and sometimes strategy, I'll normally just help them get away, but this time it can't wait. I have to go now or it might be too late." I tell them, feeling my heart sink a little. I like to spend time with them. They are my friends, basically my only human friends. But the dragons need me, so I don't really have a choice.

"We can help!" Astrid says and both Hiccup and I look at her.

"That's a great idea. We have freed many dragons before, and like you said, you don't always do it. We can help you. Then you won't have to leave." Hiccup says with a smile and excited. Seeing him smile and his disposition to help me makes a smile of my own appear on my face.

"Let's get going then." I say and they both nod. The three of us run back to the lake and while Astrid and Hiccup talk to the team, I go set up my equipment and put on my armour.

"We're ready when you are." Fishlegs says and I turn to them, seeing the whole gang already up on their dragons. I put on my helmet, the last piece of my armour, and climb onto Twilight's back.

"Okay, then. Let's go." I say and Twilight takes flight, immediately followed by Ghost, Toothless, Blaze, Sunray and the rest. "Sunray, lead the way. The rest of you, keep your eyes peeled and please do what I tell you. I might not do this as often but I've been doing this my whole life. I've seen all the ways this could go, so be careful and follow my lead. Please." I say turning to the dragon riders behind me. As soon as Hiccup and Astrid nod, the rest nods as well. Neither the twins nor Snotlout make any jokes, probably seeing the seriousness in my face and voice.

The moon fury (Hiccup X OC) }<HIATUS>{Where stories live. Discover now