Back To Camp

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I sigh loudly when I realize that they all just saw me talk to the dragons and answer them like I could understand them. Which I can, but they don't need to know about that.

I look down and walk towards Twilight puting my hand on her head and trailing down her spine. I stop walking after my fingers slide off her tail and turn to the gang. I see they are still shocked and clear my throat.

"Well, nice meeting you. See ya." I say and turn my back to them, walking away, while moving two fingers above my head, indicating to the dragons that we were leaving.

"W-where are you going?" "What was that?" "How did you know what they were saying?" I hear Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs ask at the same time, and I stop.

"Well, one: I'm going back to my camp. Two: I was just frustrated with the way my dragons were acting and three: I didn't. I just learn how to read their expression and I assumed what they were saying." I explain trying to sound confident.

"To be able to read dragons like that you must have been around them for a really long time. I mean, I can kinda tell what Toothless is saying because most of the time he is sassing me, but that's different. The way you talked with them, it's was like you knew what they were saying. " Hiccup says and I give them a shy smile.

"Well, I've been living with dragon my whole life. I spend more time with dragons than with people. This is the most I've interacted with humans in a very long time. I think I understand dragons better then I understand people." I reply smiling at them, and I pet Twilight's head.

"How long have you been living with dragons?" Fishlegs asks curiously.

"Hum... Since I was, what, 5 years old? So 14 years. Yeah, I've been living with dragons for 14 years." I say with a calm tone.

"14 years? Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you spent more time with dragons than humans." Snotlout says making me laugh.

"Heh you have no idea." I say laughing dryly and under my breath. "Well, it was good meeting you, but like I said, I gotta get back to my camp. We still have some things to do."

"When you say we..." Tuffnut says.

"I mean me and my dragons, yes." I reply. I turn my back to them and wave to them.

"Nice save, Ash." Blaze says mocking me.

"Shush. If I did nothing, you three would be fighting the other dragons and their riders. You think Stormfly was the only other dragon? Obviously not. I assume each of them has their own dragon. So, your welcome!" I whisper to them.

"Yeah, you are right. It's just, we wanted to protect you. When I saw Astrid with her axe in hand, I thought she was going to attack us." Ghost says in a sad tone, almost ashamed.

"I know, Ghost. I known you were trying to keep me safe. But they weren't a threat, they aren't a threat." I say calmly, in the same tone as before, while petting his head.

"Then why won't you tell them?" Twilight asked me making me stop briefly before starting to walk again.

"I-I don't know. I feel like I could but at the same time I'm scared they will think I'm a freak." I say honestly.

"You said it yourself, they are cool. I think you should tell them. At least you won't have to pretend and lie everytime we talk to you." Blaze says, making me think.

"You know what, you are right. But, here is how we are going to do this. I'm gonna keep going back to camp with Blaze and you two will ask Toothless and Stormfly to come with you to the camp. There I will talk to them to see if they think its a good idea." I say while pointing to Twilight and Ghost.

"Sounds good, see you there." Twilight says and they start to run back to them. "Toothless!" I hear her scream while Blaze and I fly back to camp.

We land and start to arrange the camp. I take a bit of her monstruous nightmare gel and put on wood to make the campfire. As soon as I'm done, I signal Blaze to light it up and so she does.

After a few minutes, we hear sounds coming from the trees and I see Toothless coming out of them and Stormfly, Ghost and Twilight land in front of us.

"Hiccup and Astrid are just behind us, back into the forest, they wouldn't let them come alone. Toothless convinced Hiccup to wait." Twilight tells me, while walking towards me and rubbing her head against me. I nod and pet her head.

"OK. So, I asked you to come because I after thinking for a bit, I, well, we decided to tell your friends and riders about my ability. And I just wanted to know if you think it is a good idea." I say all at once and take a deep breath after finishing.

"I think Astrid and Hiccup would understand... I think. At the beginning they will be a bit surprised, but will get over it. The others, not so much. The twins will keep bothering you, Snotlout will probably hit on you and bother you. Fishlegs will get really excited." Stormfly says while turning her head to look at me properly.

"Fishlegs will ask you a few questions but he will soon get over it. I think it's better for you to tell Hiccup and Astrid, then ask them if they think it's a good idea to tell Fishlegs." Toothless completes.

"Okay, that sounds like a plan. Could you two please go get them?" I ask the nadder and the night Fury. They nod and take off to get their riders

I don't think I'll ever be ready to tell people. But if I'm going to tell someone, might as well be people that love and protect dragons, and not hunters.

The moon fury (Hiccup X OC) }<HIATUS>{Where stories live. Discover now