We Go Way Back

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Ashley's POV

"You what?" Snotlout yells and I chuckle. Hookfang hits his Rider with his tail, sending him flying across camp, before getting up and walking back. "Hookfang!" the short viking exclaims and I laugh.

"Hookfang and Blaze were friends. I met him a few times and we became friends. Then you all happened and he didn't come back to visit as often. Last time was what, 3... no, 4 years ago. Yeah, it has been four years since we say him last." I explain to them while smiling. Hookfang walks over to me and I pet his chin. He then goes over to Blaze, where they start to play and also catch up.

"So wait, you knew my dragon before today? And you are friends with him?" Snotlout asks and I just nod.

"That actually doesn't surprise me." Fishlegs says and I look at him confused. "Well, you said you grew up with dragons so I thought that there was a chance that you knew at least one of our dragons." He shrugs lightly and I smile.

"Well, that's actually pretty smart. I do know a lot of dragons." I chuckle and Fishlegs blushes a little, while giggling slightly. I look past him and I see another dragon that I know. I think back, trying to remember her name, that Hookfang told me, and then it finally clicks." Meatlug?" I ask loudly and she turns her attention to me. She sees me and starts to shake her tail, then her wings start moving and she flies towards me. My eyes grow wide as she gets closer and closer until she reaches me and I fall in the ground, being kicked by the Gronkle.

"Ashley!!! I've missed you! How did I not see you before?" She asks and I chuckle.

"You were busy with the amazing supply of rocks this island has." I whisper to her and she kicks me once more.

"Seriously? You know another one of our dragons?" Snotlout asks surprised, making me laugh.

"Yeah, her brother is one of 'my' dragons." I say making quotes on 'my' as non of them are actually mine, they are my family.

"Meatlug has a brother?" It was Fishlegs' turn to sound surprise.

"Yeah, his name is Magma. He's a lot like Meatlug actually. Though he's a little more green." I say and Fishlegs squeaks, causing me to giggle.

"Ohhh, this is so nice! I never knew she had a brother." He says happily and I continue to smile.

"He's really nice, I'll bring him around one day so you can meet him." I state while petting Meatlug's back. "Now, what do you guys want to do?" I ask while walking over to Twilight, who is laying down, and sit next to her, leaning against her side.

We ended up just sitting around and talking. I told them about my adventures freeing dragons and they told me about theirs. I was surprise when they told be that Hiccup and Toothless defeated the Red Death. I mean, she was really annoying so, I'm not particularly sad about it, just shocked. I told them that she tried to eat me when I first met her, but I got away. After that, I only went back to her nest when she was asleep or if I could stay far away from her reach. They didn't say anything about the alpha so I just assumed that they don't know about him, and that's why I didn't say anything about knowing him.

We are now sitting closer to the campfire, as the night arrived and the temperature dropped. I'm not really cold, as I grew a little resistance, just like I grew resistance against warmer temperatures. I'm sitting up against Twilight, while Blaze is near Hookfang and Ghost is on Twilight's left. The rest of the gang is sitting on the other side, except for Hiccup and Astrid. Astrid is on my left, sitting near me. Now that Ghost likes her, she can stay closer. Hiccup is on my right and Toothless and Twilight can't stop talking to each other, is really cute. Stormfly is talking to Ghost and they apologised to each other again and seem to be getting friends.

After they asked me a lot of questions, we broke out into smaller groups. Me, Hiccup and Astrid are talking about our dragons and just random stuff. Well, Astrid started talking about our favorite weapons, while Hiccup talked about our favorite dragons. I tell her that even though I have daggers, a sword and bow and arrows, my favorite is definitely the bow and arrow. Even though I live with dragons, it took me a while to get all of my arrow heads because not all of them trusted me. But now they all respect me, just like I respect them. It's a mutual feeling. They know that I would do anything to save them, just like I did with many of them.

"Her name is Star and she would say that I was just like other humans, mean and cruel, and even though I smelt like a dragon, she didn't believe that it was a good idea to keep me around. She said that I was there just to spy on them and then report to the hunters." I say petting Twilight's head. Toothless, Stormfly, Ghost and Twilight are listening the to story too, even though two of them already know the story. Blaze is still near Hookfang, as she missed him. "But one day, Twilight and I were out hunting when we heard a dragon growling in pain. We flew to where the sound was coming from and we saw Star on the ground. She had ropes around her paws and a net on top of her. She called out to help, even though she didn't see us. I told Twilight to take care of the hunters while I freed Star, and then we went to rescue her. During the mission, I had to fight a few hunters that were too close to Star, and then I started to cut the net and free her. These hunters had arrows with dragon root, which is dangerous to the dragons, these arrows make them lose control of their wings and fall." I say and they nod."

"We came across these arrows. It's terrible to see the effect they have on dragons." Hiccup says stroking Toothless' head and I give him a sympathetic smile.

"So they had these arrows and they were getting ready to shoot them at us. One hunter tried to shoot Twilight, but I got my bow and shot him with an arrow with Monstrous Nightmare scale. I lit it on fire and shot his bow, making him drop the arrows. Before I could prevent it, another one shot a dragon root arrow at Star. I didn't even think, I just, basically, ran in front of it and got hit instead. The arrow hit me on my left shoulder. " I pull up the sleeve and show them the scar that I have from the arrow. "Twilight got the guy while I pulled the arrow out. I finished setting Star free and as soon as the could move freely, she turned to me and said thank you, she also apologised for not trusting me. I said it was okay and we moved on." I fishing the story and the four of them, Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid and Stormfly, look at me impressed and I smile. "It's not always easy to get a dragon to trust you, but once you do, there is nothing they won't to to help you. Once I had been captured by a hunter and Blaze was down too. Ghost and Twilight weren't with us. I heard spikes being thrown and soon enough two yellow Deadly Nadder spikes were pinning the hunter to a tree. Star came down next to me and helped me on her back. She flew over and grabbed Blaze, then proceeded to burn the place with her fire and flew us home. She saved us. She said that it was a retribution and that it was her pleasure, that she would do it again if I needed it. She went from completely hating me, to being a good friend that I could count on." I finish smiling. I look at them and see both riders looking at their dragons with appreciation in their eyes, probably remembering the times they saved each other.

Soon after, sleepiness got to us and we drifted into sleep while laying on our dragons. I slept leaning again Twilight and Ghost slept on the other side. Before closing my eyes, I turned and saw Blaze sleeping against Hookfang and a smile crawled on my face.

Sorry for the long period without updating, I just really didn't know what to write. I had the beginning written down but it was just a couple of paragraphs, it was too short and there was no story. But here is is, my little pack.
Wolfie out✌️🐾

Name: Star
Specie: Deadly Nadder
Rider: Occasionally Ashley

Name: StarSpecie: Deadly NadderRider: Occasionally Ashley

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