Chapter LV - Traitors

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{Long Chapter Ahead - 5,550 words}

"I still...haven't told real name!!" Krista yelled as she makes her way to Ymir, who's in her titan form and being surrounded by other titans. The brunette-lady turns out to be like Eren and Annie who can shift herself into a titan. Krista stopped on her track when a titan had appeared in front of her. She froze on her place and stared at the titan with pure fear.

Connie, Reiner and Bertolt yelled at Krista, telling her to get away quick.

The titan slowly reached out its huge hand to grab the blond-girl.

"Wait, I still haven't..."

Krista's eyes widened when a fast figure appeared behind the titan, slicing up its nape deep and clean.

The titan fell on the ground, causing a loud thud to echo all over the place.

The familiar fugyre anded on top of a pile of large rocks, the blood of the titan she killed that stained her blades splattered mid-air, causing it to stain the other rocks near around her.

"Captain Y/n?!" Krista exclaimed.

The blond-girl and the three boys were more than surprised upon seeing the h/c-haired female captain.

Y/n hooked her wires somewhere.

She looked back at Krista and the three other boys. "Captain, it's you!" Connie said, a relieved expression was plastered on his face upon seeing that it's indeed their female captain.

Y/n's brows are furrowed as she stared at Krista and the three boys.

"Get back, Krista...everyone else, too."

The h/c-haired woman ready her blades. "Leave this to us."

The four were astonished when multiple scouts appeared mid-air and began to fight the other titans around the destroyed Utgard castle.

"Units in back, secure a perimeter! Everyone else, wipe out those titans!"

Y/n flew off, her eyes went round when she sighted Eren flew off from his horse with his blades ready.

"Hey! You don't need to attack!!"

Eren didn't listen to Y/n, he hooked his wires onto a titan's nape with his blades ready as he makes his way to it. "Die!!" The green-eyed boy yelled.

Y/n shook her head, sighing heavily.

She just let Eren be.

That's his first titan kill as a human.

Y/n frowned upon seeing the green-eyed boy fell on the ground. Dumbass.

"Eren, you dumbass!! Didn't you hear the captain when she said stay back?!"

The h/c-haired female captain left to kill the other titans around. Eren was approached by Connie, Reiner and Bertolt while Krista was take by Nifa, bringing her into a more safer place.

Y/n groaned as she spin mid-air, letting herself gracefully sliced another titan's nape afterwards.

The titan fell on its stomach on the rocky ground. Y/n landed on its back, her hands now dirty from the titan's blood. She moved too aggressively, the reason why she got filth on her hands. "Tch." The h/c-haired woman took out a handkerchief from her pocket and began to wipe her hands.

There are still titans around, but she's not even flinching by their presence.

"Wait up, you damn titans. I need to keep myself clean." Y/n whispered.

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