Z=zoned out

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Jay had been acting different all week and Hailey noticed.

"Hey jay are you ok you've been off all week?," Hailey asked.

"Yeah sorry I'm just tired I'm good" Jay replied.

.They went home and had a late-night movie marathon because it was Friday night. Halfway through the movie one of their neighbors set off fireworks. Jay jumped and started shaking when he heard the fireworks.

"Hey jay it's ok you're safe your in Chicago" Hailey soothed putting a hand on his back

He jumped a little then apologized.

"Sorry," he said shakily.

"No don't apologize it's not your fault. Do the fireworks trigger your PTSD" she asked.

"Yeah" he replied shakily.

"I'm sorry jay what can I do to help with all of the fireworks this weekend," Hailey asked.

"Just be there with me it helps if I'm not alone" Jay replied.

"Of course, babe ill be with you the whole time it's going to be ok," Hailey told him.

They finished their movie and went to bed. Jay woke up an hour later from a nightmare. Hailey woke up to him whimpering and thrashing around.

"Ssh ssh you're safe your in Chicago it's ok" Hailey soothed as she put her hand on his shoulder.

When she put her hand on his shoulder he shot up and started to hyperventilate. Hailey pulled him into a hug and tried to calm him down.

"Sssh you're ok it's ok you're in Chicago your safe just breathe for me your ok breathe for me in 1,2,3,4 out 1,2,3,4 ssh" Hailey soothed.

A couple of minutes later jay snapped out of it and apologized.

"Sorry for waking you," Jay said shakily.

"It's ok it's not your fault you can't control it I'm here for you good and bad' Hailey told him.
Hailey put his head on her chest so he could hear her heartbeat. He had another nightmare 2 hours later and Hailey comforted him. They slept in a little that morning and woke up at 10. When they woke up they both went on a run to destress. Once they got back they ate breakfast. After breakfast, they played card games and watched tv until dinner. Jay grilled some steak for dinner and Hailey made corn on the cob. They ate dinner and talked a bit.

"Ok jay what can I do to help you? I know there's going to be a lot of fireworks this weekend since it's the 4th tomorrow". Hailey asked.

"Just be there for me physical touch helps. It keeps me grounded there's not much you can do" Jay replied.

They finished their dinner and watched young Sheldon. Jay kept on zoning out throughout the episodes even though the fireworks hadn't started yet.

"Hey, jay are you ok? You keep on zoning out," Hailey asked.

"Yeah sorry just thinking this is a hard holiday for me" Jay replied.

"Hey, it's ok ill be with you the whole time you won't be alone I promise. Like I said last night I'm here for all of it good or bad. cmere" Hailey said pulling him into a hug.

"Thanks" Jay replied.

"No problem I love you, babe," Hailey told him.

"I love you too" Jay replied.

They cuddled and watched young Sheldon until the fireworks started. Once they started jay began to panic. He went into their closet pulled his knees to his chest covered his ears and began to rock back and forth while involuntarily whimpering. Hailey followed him in and sat behind him. She rubbed his back to try to calm him down.

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