B=bump on the head

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Hailey and Jay's morning started off pretty normally. They stopped by a coffee shop on the way to work and got some bagels and coffee. When they got to the district, they had a paperwork day. About an hour into doing their paperwork they caught a case an hour later. They were chasing a suspect in the snow and went to go around when Jay slipped and fell on a patch of ice and went head-first into the corner of a building. Thankfully the rest of the team was behind them so they were able to stay behind.

"Jay are you ok?," Hailey asked.

"Yeah, I just need a minute to collect myself" Jay answered a bit disoriented.

"Jay you're bleeding," she told him as she was crouching down to him.

Jay touched his head and saw blood on his and groaned.

"Here let's sit you up slowly," Hailey said as she helped him to sit up.

Hailey sat Jay up and he felt a little dizzy but ok other than that. Just then Voight
came around the corner and told him to go to med, but he was having none of it

"Jay go to med get checked for a concussion and get that wound cleaned up," Voight told him 

"I'm fine boss, I'll just use the first aid kit at the district," Jay replied 

"Fine but call Will and see if he can come to the district and check for a concussion if he can your going to med. Voight told his stubborn detective.

"Ok" jay replied taking his phone out of his pocket"

He called Will and explained the situation and since Will who was on his break, he agreed to come over. They got back to the district before Will got there so Hailey grabbed the first aid kit out of the locker room to clean up and get a better look at Jay's head. She met him in the breakroom with the first aid kit.

"Here, sit down, I wanna clean you up a bit and take a look at your head," Hailey told him as she was getting antiseptic wipes, gauze, and Neosporin out of the kit.

"This is going to sting a little," Hailey said, opening a pack of antiseptic wipes.

She began to clean his cut with the wipe and apologized when he winced from the sting of the antiseptic wipe.

"I know I'm sorry," she said sympathetically.

Right as she was dabbing the Neosporin on his cut Will walked in.

"Hey will his head doesn't look too bad I cleaned it up and it doesn't look like it needs stitches," she told Will as he approached them

"Ok let's take a look at that clumsy head of yours" Will joked

"Hey I am not clumsy, I am graceful," Jay replied.

"Then why did you go head first into a wall?" Will asked

"Fair enough", Jay said, giving in.

Will looked at the cut and agreed that he didn't need any stitches. He then did a concussion test and determined that Jay had a slight concussion. He also wrote him a prescription for antibiotic cream since he hit his head on a dirty building.

"You have a concussion you need to take 2 days off and take it easy. No alcohol and try to limit screen time as much as possible" Will informed him

Jay groaned in annoyance when he heard this.

Will told Voight he had a slight concussion and would need 2 days off as Hailey got ready to take Jay home.

"Hailey take 2 days off to watch him," Voight told her as he walked into the breakroom.

"Ok thanks sarge" Hailey replied.

"Of course, I feel better, Jay," Voight told him.

They got all of their stuff and headed home. When they got home Jay fell asleep for a bit while Hailey worked on some paperwork. Jay woke up around dinner time and was hungry. Hailey was also hungry so she went to pick up a deep-dish pizza as well as Jay's prescription. Jay hopped in the shower while Hailey was out and finished up right as she walked in the door.

"I'll be out in a second babe I just need to get dressed," Jay said from the bathroom.

"Ok," Hailey replied.

Hailey got the pizza on some plates as Jay got dressed. They ate their pizza and talked for a bit. When they were done eating Hailey cleaned his cut again and applied the antibiotic cream apologizing when he winced from the cream. Then, they went back to their bedroom and Hailey turned on the tv and turned down the brightness. Jay hadn't slept much that week and the concussion made him tired so he didn't really watch the movie and fell asleep 30 minutes into the movie. When the movie was finished it was only 8:30 but she decided to call it a night and go to bed early since she too hadn't gotten much sleep that week. They both slept the night holding each other. Jay felt much better when he woke up in the morning.

" Hey, how are you feeling babe?" Hailey asked.

"Much better thanks Jay replied."

They spent the rest of their time off resting and recuperating which was much needed. When they returned back to work everyone was happy to see them thankfully his first day back was a slow paperwork day. The next day he was back to chasing criminals without hurting himself.

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