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The team decided to go out to 5 guys for dinner to decompress. This was Jay's first time trying it. Jay was really hungry so he got a hot dog burger, fries, and a milkshake. When the food got there he ate his burger and the hot dog then moved on to his fries. Unbeknownst to Jay, the fries were fried in peanut oil. As soon as he swallowed his first fry he couldn't breathe and started to cough.

"Jay are you ok," Hailey asked.

"N-no I ne-need m-my ep-epi-EpiPen" Jay choked out.

"Oh my god jay, where's your EpiPen," Hailey asked panicked.

"Tr-truck" Jay choked out.

Hailey ran out to get his epi-pen and Hank and Adam got Jay laying on the floor while Kim called 911. Hailey ran in with his EpiPen a couple of seconds later.

"Ok here we go," Hailey said as she gave him the epi-pen.

He was able to breathe a little easier but was still struggling. Kevin called Will to let him know what was going on.

K Hey Jay had an allergic reaction to peanut oil. Hailey gave him his epi-pen.

W He has biphasic reactions, how's his breathing?

K He's still struggling to breathe but is better than before.

W Ok it sounds like he's having another reaction there should be a second EpiPen in the case is there one?

K Yes there is a second one.

W Ok, you need to use it.

"Hailey, you need to do the second EpiPen," Kevin told her.

"Ok here we go again, I need to give you your second one, "Hailey told him. She then gave him the second EpiPen. A couple of seconds later Sylvie and Violet came running in.

"What happened," Brett asked.

"He had an allergic reaction to peanuts. I gave him 2 EpiPens" Hailey replied.

"He has biphasic reactions" Kevin chimed in.

"Ok jay we need to get an IV going in case you have another reaction," Sylvie told him.

" Focus on me it's okay you're ok just look at me," Hailey said as Sylvie got his IV in.

"I'm pushing Benadryl," Violet told Jay.

They got Jay loaded into the ambulance and Hailey rode with him.

"Jay Halstead is a 33-year-old male anaphylactic reaction to peanuts GCS 15," Sylvie told Will, Natalie, and maggie.

Natalie took his vitals and got him into an observation room.

" Ok we need to minute you for another reaction we need to keep you overnight," Natalie said as she put a latex allergy wristband on him.

 An hour later a student doctor came in to draw some blood.

" Hi I'm student doctor curry I need to draw some blood real quick" she informed Jay and Hailey.

"Focus on me, you're safe don't think about it" Hailey soothed, grabbing his hand.

He flinched a little when the needle hit his skin.

"Ssh you're doing so good just breathe" Hailey soothed.

The student doctor left the room when she had drawn blood. 5 minutes later Jay's arm got itchy. Hailey noticed him scratching his arm and took a look at it. His arm was covered in hives. She ran out of the room and got Will.

"What happened?" Will asked.

"I don't know, a couple of minutes ago a student doctor came in and drew some blood. Next thing I know Jay's arm was itchy and he had hives" Hailey replied.

"What student doctor?" Will asked.

"Student Doctor Curry" Hailey replied.

"She must have used latex even though he has a latex allergy wristband on" Will replied annoyed.

He began to page Natalie when Jay and another anaphylactic reaction. Will immediately pushed epi through his IV. Once Jay was able to breathe, Will paged Natalie.

"What happened," Natalie asked, walking into the room.

"Student doctor Curry drew some blood but used latex gloves and he had an anaphylactic reaction" Will replied.

"Ok, I'm going to tell Sharon what happened. He has a latex allergy wristband that never should've happened," Natalie responded.

Jay's arm was really itchy so Will pushed more Benadryl through his iv, put calamine lotion on his arm, and wrapped an ice pack around his arm. An hour later Jay and another reaction. Maggie quickly pushed epi into his IV again. Will and Natalie came running in a minute later.

"What happened?" they both asked.

"He had another reaction I gave him epi" Maggie replied.

Jay turned on the TV and Hailey and Jay watched TV for a bit holding hands. Will come in an hour later to get Jay some food. Jay's throat was sore so he had some chicken noodle soup. After dinner, they watched movies until they fell asleep. Will woke them up at 5 am to draw some blood and start his discharge.

"Hey, jay I need to draw some blood. If everything comes back normal then we can get you discharged," Will told him.

Will drew some blood and everything was normal so he was discharged. They got home around 7 am and it was a Saturday so they didn't have work. They spent the weekend resting and watching movies.  When they came back on Monday everyone was glad to see him and happy he was ok.

A/N thank you so much for 1.3k reads!!!!!!!!! I love you all so much.

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