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A/N ok so we're just gonna pretend that I didn't forget my alphabet and accidentally do y before x

Hailey was chasing a suspect when his partner snuck up on Hailey and tackled her. When Hailey got tackled her knee hyperextended, her ankle twisted and she landed hard on her wrist. Because of the adrenaline, she was able to fight him off. Jay came around the corner right as she was handcuffing the guy who hurt her.

"Hailey, are you ok what happened?" Jay asked.

"He snuck up on me and tackled me I think I'm fine" Hailey replied.

"Ok stand up slowly," Jay told her.

She stood up and immediately fell back onto the floor. Her right knee and ankle were in excruciating pain.

"Owww" Hailey cried out.

"Ok I've got you I'm gonna lift you up now," Jay told her.

Jay lifted her up and her knee slightly moved which caused her to cry out in pain.

"Sorry Hails ok new plan I'm going to call for an ambo," Jay told her.

The team came around the corner just as Jay was about to call an ambulance.

"What happened?" Kim asked.

"He tackled her and she hurt her knee and ankle. She cried out in pain when I tried to pick her up I'm going to call for an ambo" Jay said pointing at the suspect that tackled Hailey.

"5021 George emergency I need an ambo to my location now," Jay said into his radio

"Ok ambulance is en route" Dispatch responded.

"Hailey is the other suspect in the wind?" Hank asked.

"Yeah sorry" Hailey responded.

"It's ok it's not your fault" Hank replied.

Just then the ambo rolled up.

"What happened?" Sylvie asked.

"I was chasing a suspect and his partner tackled me. My right knee and ankle hurt and my left wrist also hurts," Hailey replied.

"Ok, your knee doesn't look broken. I think you tore something given the pain. Unfortunately, your ankle and wrist look broken" Sylvie told her.

"Ugh" Hailey groaned.

"Ok I'm going to start an iv and push morphine then I'm going to lift up your leg and get it in a splint and get you on the gurney," Sylvie told her.

Sylvie started an IV and got her leg in the splint. She cried out when her leg was lifted.

"Owwwww" Hailey cried out.

"Sssh squeeze my hand" Jay soothed.

"Hailey Upton, a 33-year-old female GCS 15, got tackled and hurt her right knee, ankle, and left wrist," Sylvie told Will.

"Ok let's get some X-rays done Hails," Will said.

She got her X-rays done and they showed her knee wasn't broken but her right ankle and left wrist were.

"Ok, Hailey, your left wrist is shattered and is going to need surgery. Your right ankle is broken but doesn't need surgery. Your right knee isn't broken but I think you tore your ACL we can diagnose that with an MRI" Will told her.

"Ugggh" Hailey groaned.

She got the MRI and it showed her ACL was fully torn.

"Ok, Hailey, so you completely tore your ACL. You're going to need surgery and PT for that. Dr.Smith from ortho will probably be doing your surgery" Will told her

A couple of minutes later Dr.smith in.

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