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Intelligence was chasing a suspect down the wet streets. Jay went around the corner and slipped on some water. He skidded 10 feet across the concrete. All he felt was pain. He looked and his whole body was scraped up and bloody. His hand was also killing him. Hailey and the rest of the team came around the corner and saw Jay. Hailey ran up to Jay and the rest of the team went and chased the suspect.

"Jay are you ok what happened?" Hailey asked.

"I slipped in water and skidded across the pavement.' I'll be fine. I'm just scraping up. I'll get cleaned up when I get to the district" Jay replied.

"Jay you're not ok you have scrapes everywhere some of which I can see have gravel and dirt in them you shredded the legs of your pants and have a bunch of holes in your shirt I don't know if you need stitches I'm taking you to med," Hailey told him.

"No Hailey I'll be fine can you just clean me up at the district? And if I need stitches then I'll go," Jay asked.

"Fine," Hailey replied, annoyed.

Hailey got him in the car and then radioed to Voight that she was taking Jay back to the district to clean him up.

Once they got back to the district they started walking to the locker room when Trudy stopped  them

"Woah chuckles are you ok what happened?," Trudy asked.

"I slipped in water and skidded across the pavement I'll be fine" Jay responded.

"You should be at med Jay," Trudy told him.

"I'm fine Haileys gonna clean me up if I need stitches then I'll go" Jay replied.

They went into the locker room and Trudy went to grab extra supplies from the supply room. She grabbed extra gauze bandages and a bottle of antiseptic. Hailey was helping Jay get undressed when Trudy knocked at the door.

"I brought some extra supplies I figured you'd need some" Trudy said.

"Thanks, '' sarge hailey replied.

Once Hailey got the supplies she looked him over to assess the damage. Both of his hands, legs, arms, stomach, chest, and neck were cut up. She poured some antiseptic cleanser on a piece of gauze.

"Ok this is gonna sting" she warned him.

She wiped off his hand and he winced.

"Sorry I know" she soothed "I need to do your other hand now it's going to sting again" she warned.

He winced again as she cleaned his other hand.

She bandaged his hands up.

"I'm going to clean up your arms now I can see some dirt and gravel in your arm I'm going to get that out then clean up your arm," Hailey said.

Hailey used tweezers to get the dirt and gravel out of Jay's arm and he flinched.

"I know I'm sorry, I'm almost done." she soothed

Hailey finished getting the gravel out of his arms then poured the antiseptic on a piece of gauze and began to clean his arm and he winced.

"I know I know I'm sorry" she soothed as she was cleaning up his arm.

Once she was done she bandaged up his arm.

"Ok you don't have gravel or dirt in your other arm that's good," she said as she poured antiseptic on another piece of gauze.

"Ok this is gonna sting again" she warned.

He winced again as she cleaned his other arm.

"I know im sorry" she soothed.

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