G= groin

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Intelligence got called into a crime scene at 6;30 am. The crime scene was a drive-by shooting that killed innocent bystanders. They collected all of the information they needed and headed back to 21. They eventually were able to find who did it after watching the pods. They got his address and headed over there.

" CHICAGO PD" Jay screamed as they entered the house.

There was more than one person in the house and they all ran. Hailey and Jay ran after the main suspect. Just as Jay caught up to him and grabbed him the suspect turned around and kicked him down there full force causing Jay to collapse onto the floor. Thankfully Kevin was right behind them so he ran after the suspect while Hailey knelt down to jay to see if he was ok.

" Jay are you ok?" she asked.

"No" he replied moaning in pain.

" Ssh your ok breathe through it," she said, grabbing his hand and rubbing circles on his back.

Voight came around the corner a couple of seconds later.

" Hailey what happened, does he need an ambo?" hank asked.

" He got kicked in the down there " Hailey replied.

" Give him a couple that hurts like hell," hank told her.

Jay groaned in pain and squeezed Hailey's hand hard.

" Are you ok?" Hailey asked.

" No jay replied I'm going to be sick.

Jay began to lose his breakfast on the pavement.

"Ssh your ok Jay let it out" Hailey soothed.

Vanessa went to get some mints and napkins and Voight went to get a water bottle from their cars. They quickly came back and gave Jay the items.

" Thanks," Jay said as he put the mint in his mouth. They stayed like that for a couple more minutes. Hailey helped him to sit up and he moaned in pain.

" Sorry sorry," she said as he moaned in pain.

She helped him to the truck and helped him get in and drove back to the district. When they got back Hailey told him to go to the locker room. A couple of minutes later she came in with ice and put it on his manhood. He winced from the cold.

"I know I know," Hailey said, squeezing his hand.

Hank came in a minute later.

Hailey, Jay take the day. Jay ice take Advil and rest and you'll feel better by the morning." he told them.

" Thanks, sarge" they both replied.

They went home and Jay took Advil and iced. They laid in bed and watched tv until they went to bed. Jay woke up the next morning feeling much better.

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