Chapter Twenty

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Charlotte's POV

"Well, I'm here so open!" I said into the phone.

Ariana had been bugging me all day to come over to her room so I could tell her about Justin, since she missed breakfast yesterday.

"Hold on." she ended the call and I crossed my arms as I waited for her outside the door.

"Come on in." She finally opened the door.

"Thank you." I said, trying to show my annoyance. She had been nagging me about telling her this, yet she keeps cancelling on me, or disappearing.

I walked in just as Maejor was walking out of the bathroom.

"I'll see you later babe." He kissed her forehead. He turned to me and gave me this sort of devilish look, as if he knew something about me that I didn't know he know.

"What?" I snapped at him, giving him a little sass. He chuckled and aggressively petted my head, messing up my hair.

"Stop!" I whined as I pushed his hand off.

"It's so nice to have you around again." He laughed before walking away.

"What did you tell him?" I turned to Ariana once he was gone.

"Me?" "I don't even know anything to tell!" She laughed. "Do you forget he's Justin's best friend?"

"Did he tell you anything?" I asked.

"No! Him and Maejor are like... they don't tell anything!" "Now, you spill." She said as she crossed her arms.

Justin's POV

"So, I saw Charlotte today." Maejor spoke as he served himself. We were at Scooter's house, at one of his kid's birthday party.

Lowkey... although i saw her yesterday, i was jealous that he got to see her.

"She stopped by Ariana's earlier." He said with a smirk.

"So... that means they're talking about me." I said, thinking out loud.

He laughed and said "Probably as we speak."

I laughed as well, scratching my neck nervously.
I wish there was a way for me to listen in there conversation.

I just want to get into her mind, know what she's thinking, since she barely tells me how she feels. I'm always preying her words out of her, otherwise i'd be in the blue.

"What? you scared?" He asked.

"I don't know." I sighed.

"You guys have seen each other two or three times, I don't think they'll have much to talk." he said. "Unless... problems in the bedroom compartment?"

I let out a chuckle as Charlotte's screams of pleasure replayed on my mind. "Please."

He laughed and said "Then you have nothing to worry about man."

"Has Ariana said anything to you?" "About Charlotte?"I asked.

"No. Only thing she mentioned about her was that she found out you two were talking."

"So, she hadn't told Ariana yet." I said. Does that mean i'm not relevant enough to be brought up? I mean, the Ariana and Charlotte duo I know tell each other even the smallest details of their lives.

"Stop overthinking it man."

Charlotte's POV

"Babes, he's desperate for you." Ariana said.

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