Chapter 14: His Fight for Her.

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Grabbing his nightwear from his chambers, Thomas came with Lady into her own. However, they still did not dare to change at the exact same spot, for they still felt prudent for their privacy.

Finishing sliding his shirt onto him, Lady called out nervously from behind her folding screen.

"Hey! You decent?"

"Yeah!" Thomas replied. Lady let out a sigh of breath and step out with her nightdress on her. She gazed at Thomas for a moment before letting out a small breath. "I really hope that you seriously scar and damage Allen." She admitted. "Knowing even more about your magic ability and your skill with a sword, the moment you start getting somewhat serious is going to make him want to forfeit."

"I know." Thomas replied as he gently led Lady's hands to his chest. "Don't you dare worry. Allen will get his comeuppance. As a matter of fact, since his father is so sure of his victory, I wish to do one more insult to them both as a way to further wound their ego. Due to my mental issues, pain, and many other factors, I usually held all of my abilities back, however, seeing that the arena in this city is actually pretty big and that I have better control over my inherited spells and magics, I'll use some more to win for you. They don't know what's coming and they really don't know how much they pissed me off." He then began to nuzzle Lady and caused her to giggle happily. They walked over to her bed and laid down smiling as they settled in.

"I can't wait for the day when I officially get married to you." Lady uttered happily as she laid next to Thomas. Smiling lovingly, the prince grasped Lady's right hand and began to rub it affectionately.

"Your birthday is coming soon, mine's next month. We could start planning after tomorrow's fight. Though, you will probably have to stay a princess for just a bit longer until I can reclaim the Crystal Kingdom."

"Just having you as my spouse, is enough for me." Lady said with a smile. "We can worry about everything else later. Right now, let's just focus the present. Like getting to sleep for a start."

"I hear that." Thomas replied with a chuckle as he then kissed Lady on the lips.

He absolutely adored her and her smile.

Within his own chambers, Allen began to grunt and groan as he slowly sat up on his bed. He glanced around, feeling dizzy, off balance, and very confused. His mind drew out blanks as his head thumped with an irritating pain.

"Allen!" He knew that voice. Blinking twice, Landon dashed to him, wrapping his arms around him in an embrace. "Allen! My son! Oh, thank goodness you're alright!"

Allen groaned again. He still felt quite pained and out of it.

"Ugh! What happened?"

"That boy in blue knocked you out!" Suddenly the memory returned to him and he managed to recall Thomas knocking him out cold with a single punch. Feeling his father's hug end, Allen began to snarl and greatly fill up with rage.

"That commoner!" He spoke lividly. "Ooh! Once I get my hands on him, he'll regret ever coming between me and my rightful bride!" Landon sighed and frowned with dismay.

"I'm afraid that would be hard to do now, Allen."

The prince crooked his left eyebrow upward.


"For that boy is no commoner. He is one of the Billinton of the Crystal Kingdom. The heir to be specific."

Allen coughed and hiccuped, slowly reaching to a laugh. His grin held on deviously while the words bounced about in his brain.

"The prince of the Crystal kingdom? How amusing."

Landon shuddered with worry.

"Allen! I am not kidding! That boy unleashed a powerful strike with Azure-Light Crystals! He wreaked havoc on the throne room!"

The Silent Swordsman: Volume 1: Silent AzureWhere stories live. Discover now