Chapter 3: Honorary Guard.

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Lightning showered the Crystal Kingdom as the dark clouds loomed overhead. Though it doesn't always rain, they still keep up the ever-so-depressing attitude and atmosphere. Like his hair and attire, this was the way Peter Tobias Boomer liked it. Nothing to give anyone hope, and nothing to defy him and his rule. As a matter of fact, he made these clouds with his magic, so he can basically ensure that no emotions of hope, joy, or anything would create another person who would dare stand up to him. With how tricky they are to kill, this made things easier, for it only kept the Billintons who needed to be hunted.

Glancing at the orb he had, which was linked to a crow-like familiar, he watched Diesel 10's every move, smiling and laughing manically as he watched Diesel 10 beat a certain swordsman about.

"Yes! Yes! Do it! Finish that pitiful boy!"

Gradually, his smile began to fade as the scene of Thomas unleashing his second sword played within the orb's material. As Boomer feared, the prince that he was after, had gotten some special training from a certain king before he was killed, and his golden swords were taken as trophies.

"Dual Crystal Style?! No! No! This can't be happening!"

Sky-Blast Scattering played in the orb next. Showing Thomas slashing Diesel 10 fast and hard many times. The last downward slash was shown as the tyrannical High-Sage had enough. With a swift movement, similar to a very bored cat, he swatted the mystic orb off of the table with his left hand. It shattered upon hitting the floor. All of its pieces landed in a corner, where hundreds of fragments lay from previous ones that he broke.

Boomer punched the wall, screaming in a fit of rage.


He screamed again, his anger and hate causing the lightning of his magically made storm clouds outside to clash, flash and strike more fiercely. All these emotions were only amplified by the sound of two men laughing. All in his head, staining his mind. Taunting him as if their spirits were actually there.

"Being the holder of Isapis's Swords, Boomer, yes I taught him. But all Sword-Spells, he figured out on his own."

The first spectral speaker in Boomer's mind was an elderly man, who had been treated very kindly by time. Though gray, his hair still held on to its bits of gold, while his red eyes were still shining as they were in his days of youth. His armor was that of a knight, though at the same time from his looks, he should be king.

"Arthur is right, Boomer. Our grandson and present heir to the Crystal Kingdom's throne has unpredictable raw power. Much unlike you, the dear prince swore an oath to NEVER let the true amount of power he has corrupt him and only wield it wisely. Being there on that day, you should know. A heart of a diamond, and the soul of a dragon. The day will come you disgrace! The day when the prince returns and uses his power and skill for the sake of the people. Just give up. You will die by his hand."

The second specter held a lot of resemblance to Thomas. Much like his dual-wielding associate, time had been generous to him, and though elderly, his grey hair still clung on to its former black color, and the bright sky blue of his eyes.

Boomer screamed again, grabbing the throats of both of his tormenters. Crushing them hard, choking them as he did a few years back.

"That prince will die! He will die! Just you both wait and see!"

"Good luck with that," Halverson said with a cheeky smirk before he and Arthur disappeared into particles.

Boomer panted and sighed with relief, finding the two specters within his head now gone for the time being. He gave the swords on the wall a deep dark glare as footsteps sounded from the stairs behind him.

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