Chapter 7: Twins and Tenderness.

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The lightning settled down some, as did the thunder. The magic storm and every factor about it was more neutral now, much like its creator's behavior.

Boomer sat on the stolen throne; his hands crossed and his left leg perched on his right. He sat and listened closely to the newcomers in terms of mercenaries for hire. The devilish twins, Arry and Bert.

These twins were around the same height as Splatter and Dodge, but with blond hair and black eyes. Their clothing and equipment decked with green and yellow eyes. Their build, at basic peak condition; muscles being fairly toned.

Their tone and voices sounded similar to Diesel 10's in a way. Sly, oily, and sinister. They held their devious looks as Arry explained their differences from most mercenary groups or duos.

"You see, lad. Those groups you hired in the past were just random people who don't know how to cooperate. Me and Bert on the other hand, we are bonded pretty darn well, to the point where we know each other's moves by heart. Furthermore, we also have a bit of a twin telepathy going on, so with one heads up through the mind we let the other know precisely when to strike."

Boomer scratched his chin in thought, considering the pair's words.

"I see you both have chained single-handed twin scythes as your weapons." He remarked. "Are they useful in a battle with a speedy swordsman?"

The two brothers laughed as they heard those words.

"Why worry about that when we have the ability to not only slice him but to also restrain him?"

"Yeah!" Bert added with a smirk. "No matter how fast or slow a target is, we'll always get them after the first try."

Boomer thought for a moment before smirking himself. These twin mercenaries did seem truly promising in his eyes and sounded like that they had just the skills for the job. He exhaled, coming to his final decision.

"Alright then, Arry, Bert. I think that I may just give you the job. Now head to an inn, get some rest, before you head out to take out my target. Bring back his swords, head, or whatever you can take that can be considered as a trophy."

"Yes, sir!" They replied before bowing to him respectively.

At last, a "plan" was in place. Or so Boomer hoped.

Night time had finally risen across the Kingdom of Light and due to all of the training he gave her, Thomas found himself exhausted. He was infact holding back magically, as he always did, but physically in just pure strength with little mana enhancement, he was giving his all. Because of this, he ended up finding himself retiring to his chambers much earlier than initially anticipated.

Lady was once again eating dinner with her family in the dining hall. Veronica was there, sitting in the chair opposite of Thomas's. Much like her family in her druid group, her hair was golden and long, as were her eyes which only had an extra sparkle to them. When visiting the Stone family, the fiance of Proteus always made herself look presentable, wearing a nice golden dress that her lover paid for. She didn't mind wearing it one bit for it was specially made for her.

Glancing at her future sister-in-law, Veronica took notice of Lady's present expression of irritation and unease. For a moment, the princess grunted and groaned, before snapping and standing up from her chair. She then bowed to her parents as a sign of respect with a stern look on her face.

"Mother! Father! Excuse my present attitude, but I have serious issues of Thomas not eating with us at this time! May I bring some food to him?"

Burnett chuckled as Tasha smiled.

The Silent Swordsman: Volume 1: Silent AzureWhere stories live. Discover now