Chapter 6: Training with Thomas.

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The thunder clashed as the lightning flashed. Boomer was once again was enraged by his loss within the crystal Kingdom. The storm he made, only got worse by his worsening attitude.

"Brute strength: felled by his blades! A master of two weapons: stabbed to his end! Multiple people: tricked! What in this world can kill that boy?!"

He kicked a stone on the floor. It flew out of the window and killed one of the traitors of the royal guard many feet below. Boomer screamed again, hearing the laughter of two certain kings that never once stopped taunting him.

"We keep telling you many times, Boomer. Our grandson is very powerful."

"Yes! Not to mention clever. You'll be dead before you ever have the chance to kill him."

Boomer scowled and began to growl in agony.

"Get out of my head!!"

Both spectral forms of Halverson and Arthur disappeared, leaving Boomer panting in exhaustion and pain. No matter how many times he convinced himself, the grandfathers of his target just seem to come back and haunt him. Like ghosts with an agenda to fill. He grunted fiercely again as he sat down on the throne that he stole.

"Just you wait, you little prince! I'll find a way to kill you this time!"

His determination to slay the Billinton Heir was unwavering.

Across the lands and planes, the sun was once again shining brightly across the buildings, walls, shops and homes that formed the Kingdom of Light. Within the training grounds of the Royal guard, many members as well as some of the nobility came to learn and train under Thomas.

Lady, who was in the palace, watched eagerly from the balcony as Thomas showed some basic exercises silently, with Herny speaking on his behalf.

"Alright trainees! Since it's habit of him being silent, Thomas here written down exactly what he wanted me to say so I can relay it all back to you. First of all, it doesn't matter if you're a royal guard, man, woman, child, noble or commoner. His way of train is and has always been tough! So back down if you're afraid, if not, stand and learn with us. His skill isn't just built upon Sword-Spells alone, but also reaction time. The philosophy here is simple: The faster you are with a sword, the more strikes you can land on an enemy. For that reason, he is able to dual-wield so well. Now! Even with a training sword, Thomas is only going to go easy enough to where it's non-leathel. That factor does NOT mean that you will all get out easily without quite a few bruises. His attacks will be still quite fast so watch and learn to time it perfectly. A perfectly timed parry is the first step of this training. Time it right and you can really make an excellent opening!"

As the participants then began their training, Lady couldn't help but gaze longingly at Thomas. True, she was concerned for his well-being, but something felt different as she gazed at him this time. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something seemed to spark a tender warm feeling within her this time around, bringing her heart to pound excitedly.

"Looking at a charmer down there, Lady?"

Lady leapt in surprise and yelped some as the owner of the inquisitive voice burst into laughter. Her age was about the same as the princess's, with several freckles covering her face, and an elegant set of clothes that was a much lighter pink than her own. Lady knew who this was and prompt pouted in unamusemnt at her.

"Argh! Rosie! You should quit doing that!"

"I didn't mean to." Rosie laughed. "Anyway, as the lady of the Vulcan house, you should know that I have access here."

The young noble woman laughed again, before sighing and gazing out the window, towards a boy of the same age as Thomas, but with very dark green hair and expense green clothing.

The Silent Swordsman: Volume 1: Silent AzureWhere stories live. Discover now