Chapter 12: Sentence of Sadness.

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The scene and atmosphere was tense as Burnett and Tasha glared at Landon and Allen. Thomas glared as well, seeing how uncomfortable his lover looked. Everyone was silent and still as no one dared to speak a word. Finally, Landon gestured to the horses, and the rest of the riders dismounted.

"Spencer Boxford of the kingdom of wind. Geoffrey Robinson of Flare Kingdom, and my son, Allen Tyrann of the kingdom of ground. These three princes are to participate in the tournament which happens in the day after tomorrow. You must understand, Burnett, I'm doing this for your own good. Not complying with any of the terms will not just spoil your image, but would give you no choice but to step down from your authority."

Burnett sighed in defeat as he then gazed apologetically at Lady, Thomas, Tasha, and Proteus. He grabbed Tasha's hand and stepped aside to let all of the visiting royals to enter into the palace.

"Fine then, Landon." He spat. "But no one, besides, myself, Proteus, Thomas, and anyone else that Lady is comfortable with gets to interact up close with her! One wrong gesture from ANY of these princes you brought, including your son, I WILL end the tournament before it starts! Even if it means war! Do I make myself clear?!"

"Yes, Burnett. You do." The reply from Landon was bitter and cold as he then marched his way into the palace. Allen smiled creepily at Lady as he passed her.

"See you soon, Lady." He spoke, sending a great shiver down her spine. Thomas promptly grasped her hand in hopes of comforting her.

"Don't worry." He whispered to her. "When I have a chance, I'll tell your father of my love for you as well as my social rank. Also, I managed to work on myself mentally, so as proof of my royal lineage, I'll show him the elemental spell that members of the Billinton line have. I don't know if he'll be mad, but with that piece of undeniable proof, he'll be able to legally sign off on an engagement between me and you and also be able to kick that hooligan out without destroying many peace treaties. I swear my life, my soul, my swords. I will let nothing bad happen to you, Lady. You WILL not be forced into a life of misery. I give you my absolute word."

The words that Thomas spoke eased Lady by many times over and over again. He was determined to ensure that she wouldn't be engaged to a horrible prince like Allen and that alone soothed her. Cracking a smile, she walked with Thomas back into the palace.

Unaware of how truly devious Allen and his father are.

Within the halls, Allen followed one of the palace attendants to the guest chambers. He spotted Lady swiftly leaving her's and noticed a chamber nearby that clearly was a guest one.

"Why don't I just go into that one?!" He blurted out demandingly. The attendant glanced over that the chamber near Lady's and sighed.

"That chamber occupied by the Palace's long-time guest, Thomas. You're better off taking the one that I'm leading you to. His majesty instructed on that specifically."

"Gosh darn it!" Allen cried out as he stomped his foot furiously. "Darn it, dad! Why couldn't my servant come too?! Why just our guards?!"

Lady shuddered as she overheard Allen's ranting. He wanted to be in a chamber close to her's and that meant easy access to hers.

"I really hope he doesn't ever come into my chambers." Lady thought worriedly. She swiftly turned around, passing guards who just arrived from the kingdom of ground. The princess didn't know it at the time, but Allen and Landon did start getting suspicious and ordered them to follow her whenever she prepared to leave the palace.

A heartbreaking event was going to happen to her.

Entering into the cold autumn night, Lady walked out of the palace with her cloak on her and her hair brushed nicely. She stepped through the streets as shop keepers prepared to close up for the night.

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