Chapter 23

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Y/n: (Present) I killed my family. Afterward, I ran away from my house. I didn't know what was going to happen next. What was I supposed to do? "Someone", I thought. Anyone. Please tell me. Save me. Guilt kept my voice locked away. I couldn't say anything. The denser a population is, the more crime and emergencies there are. Stuff that takes priority over a lost kid wandering the streets. Still. This society is overflowing with huntsmen. One should've helped me. I figured I was being punished for killing my family. But, you know, if anyone had reached out, anyone at all...

(A man reaches his hand out for you)

...then maybe the itching would have stopped.

???: Child. You've such an urge to destroy that it's impossible for you to control it or keep it below the surface. Hate is spilling out of you, overflowing from every pore, manifesting as an itch. You don't have to endure that. It's not necessarily a bad thing.

(Out down an alleyway, you get punched up against the wall by some thugs)

Thug 1: This is our street, brat. What the hell do you think you're doin out here, huh?

Thug 2: Think we're gonna let you off easy cause you're a little baby? Not a chance.

(You look up angry, you have your hand ready to strike but resist. Back at the hideout. You're on the ground scratching the hell out of your neck due to the itchiness)

???: Ah, poor thing. What is it you fear? Act is your heart desires. If you don't, then you'll suffer an agonizing life alone. Conscience, morals, ethics, these are concepts created by humanity. People who wanted the world to run smoothly. Don't be held back by them. Do not be afraid. What's inside of you is more important than anything else. Now, tell me. What do you want to do?

Y/n: Those guys who hit me. I wanna kill them. I don't know why. But there are so many bad feelings inside of me. No matter what I try, they won't go away. And I can't hold back much longer.

???: Then go and do your best.

(Back at the alleyway, it's night and raining, the thugs from before are having a conversation)

Thug 1: Jeez, how many more frickin huntsmen are gonna pop up in this neighborhood?

Thug 2: I know, it's such a pain.

(Someone catches their attention, they look over and see you, your family remains are on you walking out from the alley)

???: You will carry your family close to your flesh, to ensure that those feelings never fade.

(You look at them and approach)

Thug 2: What the hell do you want?

Thug 1: Yeah, talk about creepy. You're asking to get beat.

(You reach your hand out and kill them, leaving only a pool of blood as remains)

(The mysterious man, the Demon King and Salem watch from a rooftop building)

Salem: What an odd turn of events.

Demon King: I thought he lost his memories.

???: They are merely buried deep down inside him. Tucked away. The remains of his family restrain him. They rebuke him. Now that his memories are buried, he's become unstable, led only by his emotions. He feels uneasy. Observe. He's subconsciously keeping his power in check. I will personally cultivate his new identity. He will be the Symbol of Fear that craves destruction! Already he has taken the first grand step toward greatness!

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