Chapter 1

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(Its storming outside, lightning strikes the ground, it's very windy, there's a tornado raging through the forest and hail rains down onto the ground, damaging nearby villages. The temperature is warm and cold at the same time. The villagers that are nearby are safe and sound in an underground bunker. Wildlife are escaping the raging storm, meanwhile Grimm are fighting each other for no apparent reason. They stomp, claw and bite each other non-stop trying to win. They destroy each other and only one remains. Suddenly, a sword is thrown at it, it pierces the Grimm. Someone approaches it and ends it's suffering)

Y/n: I'm sleepy...

(You hear a commotion and look back to see a couple of Grimm rushing toward you)

When you're this tired...sometimes stuff looks like it's moving but it's not. You hallucinate when things are not there. Like being overwhelmed with information. I know my body's glitchy right now. Hm? What's this?

(You see an image in your head, it was a picture of Team STRQ)

I remember this... I took a picture of my friends before our first mission.... I remember how I felt during that time. It's like a weight lifted off my chest. It was a nice mission.

Raven: (Flashback) You're gonna be fine, I got you.

Y/n: If you're gonna show me a memory, show me all of it!

Summer: (Flashback) I'm rooting for you Y/n!

Tai: (Flashback) You got this!

Qrow: (Flashback) Kick his ass!

Y/n: It's like a corrupted lie. Oh great... Now I feel sick.

(You turn around, dash towards the Grimm and take out your Kusanagi, then slash all of them, killing them. Then you vomit. After that, you continued onward to your destination. Eventually, as time flys by for about couple days, you eventually arrive in Atlas)

So this is Atlas huh? *sighs* Alright then, off we go.

(You proceed down into the city of Atlas only to find several people who were poor, you take out some currency and gave it to them)

Woman 1: Thank you kind sir. It really means it.

Y/n: Just helping out the best I can. Please, stay warm the best you can, winter is upon us.

(The woman nods and you proceed down the road, then arriving at a manson)

Light & Darkness

Chapter 1

Old Friend

(You knocked a couple times, someone answers and when the door opens, you look down and see a little girl)

Look who it is, I haven't seen you since you were 3 years old.

???: U-Um... Who are you?

Y/n: Maybe you'll recognize this.

(You reach into your bag and pulled out a jacket, the girl instantly recognizes it)

???: Uncle Y/n!

Y/n: Hey Winter.

(Winter jumps in your arms for a hug)

Look how big you are!

Winter: It has only been two years I'm not that big.

Y/n: True but you've gotten taller.

(You give the jacket to Winter, she puts it on. Even though it's still big for her, she fits in it)

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