Chapter 17

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Kruger: Evening. Its been seven years, Raven.

(Raven is shocked to see and recognize the voice)

Falco: Hey, what's wrong? Mr. Kruger said you were old friends and that he wanted to surprise you. It's true right? You two right? You two are friends?

Kruger: Yeah... And we have a whole lot to catch up on. I don't even know where to start.

Raven: It can't be... Y/n!

Light & Darkness

Chapter 17

Declaration of War?

Y/n: Sit down... Raven. I found us good seats. You can hear everything that happens on stage. We're right beneath an apartment building. It's behind the stage but still... It's full of excited families waiting at their windows for the curtains to rise. They're all directly above us.

(You point up and Falco notices a huge cut on your hand)

Falco: Say, Mr. Kruger? Did you cut your hand?

Y/n: Yeah. It's just a scratch. Raven... SIT.

(Raven breathes and sits down)

Falco: So uh... I think I should head back to the others now.

Y/n: No Falco. You should stay here and listen to us.

Falco: Huh?

Raven: Just do as he says alright.

Falco: Okay.

(The room is filled with silence until instruments from above start to play. You, Raven and Falco hear it)

Raven: Why here? Why come here? What do you plan to do?

Y/n: The exact same thing you did. As for why? That's the same too. I don't have a choice, that's why.

(Clapping is heard)

Sounds like the show's begun. We should listen.

(The speech begins and everyone is silent for what Willy is about to say)

Willy: Let's go back in time for a bit shall we. Roughly thousands of years ago, the Empire ruled the world with the Power of the Demons. From the rise of Salem until today, Demons have robbed enough lives to eradicate humanity three times over. Countless cultures and people's have been wiped out by Demons; their histories stolen away. The Empire's path of slaughter became humanity's history. And when the Empire ran out of enemies, they soon began slaughtering one another. The Great Demon War had begun. Families holding the ten Demons waged a bloody war. Using this to his advantage, one Marleyan sought victory. It was the hero, Helos. Thanks to his clever manipulation, the Empire was tricked into killing each other, one by one. By joining hands with the Tybur family, they forced the unbeatable King Fritz to flee and retreat to the island of Paradise. However, though he fled to Remnant, his power still remained. Tens of millions of Gigantic Demons await on the island to trample the world. To this day, the only reason we haven't been trampled is merely a fluke. Our scholars have no other explanation. To eliminate this threat, our motherland Marley sent four Demons to the island, but they were beaten back and only one returned. The darkest blot on humanity's history, the Empire, is alive and well.

Y/n: Honestly, it makes sense. I get why you had to go. You were the next candidate to be the spring maiden, right? So you had to.

Falco: (Okay... What's going on here? Why does Ms. Raven seem so afraid? Mr. Kruger said they were old friends but... Old friends? Just how many years has she known him? If it's more than seven then... Wait... Ms. Raven said...)

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