Chapter 9

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Qrow: Y/n... Are you still looking for Raven? Because if you are, I think its time to stop. You've spent years doing this, not to mention we basically all did. But I think it's time we accept it and move on. We would've found her if that's what she wanted.

Y/n: She's your sister Qrow, and Yangs mother. She's very important to all of us, especially to Yang. We can't just give up on her. She's family. Can you really walk away? What if Raven is in trouble and needs our help and needs us to find her?

Qrow: You know well as I do that she could've came home at any time she wanted. Just give it up kid. Raven went back to the bandit tribe to be their leader. And I hate to say this to you...but you're wasting your time and life doing this. What you should be doing is staying here looking after your daughter like a father. If Raven wanted to come home, it would've taken three seconds to teleport in front of you. By now, you could have settled down and started a family if you weren't so insistent on bringing her back.

Y/n: I'm not starting a family with anyone else other than her. I love her with all my heart. Raven has flaws like anyone else yes but you and I know better than anyone the dangers of putting someone on a pedestal. I love her with all my heart.

Qrow: Y/n, if you don't stop, you're gonna run yourself into the very core and destroy yourself. You know it isn't what Raven would want you to do.

Y/n: I'm still going to find her.

(Qrow takes a drink from his flask)

Qrow: If you say so kiddo. I'm not gonna stop you. I'll keep searching for some information about the bandit tribe and the location the best I can.

Y/n: Thank you...

(Qrow puts his hand on your shoulder)

Qrow: Don't mention it.

(He then heads to the front door)

I'll be out for a bit, be back later.

Y/n: Alright.

(Qrow leaves. You head to check on the girls and see that they are sleeping. Yang and Ruby are sleeping together in your room along with Summer for the night. Suddenly, you start to remember partially a memory from the past)

???: (Flashback) Stop it, Y/n!

Y/n: Dammit! Not again...! (Why does it keep coming back to me...? I don't remember too well what happened before I met him. And yet, when I remember THAT incident, anger comes surging up. I've been thinking about it this whole time. Ever since that day.)

Demon King: (Flashback) Nobody would help you, would they? It hurt, didn't it? Y/n L/n. You were scared, and in pain. You must've ran, looking for a helping hand. No child should have to endure that. People thought "a hero will come sooner or later", "a hero will help him" as they passed by pretending not to see you, who turned the world so upside down that the child must suffer as you have. But not anymore, for I am here.

Light & Darkness

Chapter 9

The Distress

Y/n: (My memories only really began when I met the Demon King. Up until then, I was empty.)

Demon King: (Flashback) These are the remains of your family.

Y/n: (All that came to mind were fragmented images, and an unidentified irritation that made me feel sick.)

Demon Ling: (Flashback) Even if your memories don't return, there must be feelings lodged in your heart. What I want to teach you is, where to direct those feelings. That irritation.

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