Chapter 18

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(Four of the Demon Kings followers are scavenging through a chest)

Follower Courier: It's all there.

Follower Guard: We'll leave the spice and take the currency back to the Demon King. The rest will follow.

(Someone approaches them and it's Carolina)

Carolina: Do you know where you are, gentlemen? Think it through. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt being you're not from around here and say you figured you're in the middle of nowhere. But everything out there to everything out there is in Mistral territories, and these stripes indicate I'm the marshal of said territories. Now, I don't know what arrangements you have with the authorities in Argus, and let's be honest, in Mistral, anything goes, but out here I'm the one telling folks what to do. I didn't see what's in that chest, and consequently no laws have been broken as far as I'm concerned. If you gentlemen load up your wares and head back to where you came, we can chalk this one up to you guys reading the map wrong.

(The followers take out there weapons to fire at Carolina but she was fast enough and takes them out except one with her weapon)

Think it through. I can see you're the smart one. I got a proposition for your bosses. Tell 'em I've heard of the Demon King. Take his currency back with you. And I say this with respect, anyone who gets lost running spice through Argus again will be lost forever. Now, load that chest and go. Consider it a fine for trespassing.

Followed Guard: It's worth more than your town.

Carolina: Well, then, maybe I'll retire.

(The guard puts the spice on the grown. Gets into his vehicle and drives off. Carolina watches as he heads away, once the follower is a good distant away, she holsters her weapon, looks down at the chest, and dumps the spice out with her foot)

Light & Darkness

Chapter 18

From The Distance Comes A Stranger

(Willy's head rolls where the crowd is, it then stops when Zeke places a foot on it. He then crushes it completely with no problem. All the people from Raven's camp aim their weapons at you)

Zeke: That's some neat surprise you showed us. Lower your weapons everyone. Y/n's not the enemy.

Porco: What are you talking about? Did you not listen to Willy's speech?! We can take the Founding Demon back!

Zeke: No we can't. There's no way to take it. Besides, Y/n was never the enemy in the first place.

Y/n: Some of the shit Willy spilt is true. But I am not your enemy.

Annie: He's right. Look at Willy's coat.

(Everyone looks at it and it has the Demon Kings symbol on the sleeve)

Reiner: Y/n. Where's Raven.

Colt: And my brother?

Y/n: He's safe, don't worry.

(Atlas airships suddenly arrive and land. Ironwood comes out with soldiers following behind him. He approaches you)

Ironwood: I'll handle the crowd. Do what you need to do.

Y/n: Thank you. You guys, follow me. We're gonna discuss a plan.

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