Chapter 8: The Crystal of The Past.

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Within a cave littered with ruins, a man dressed in green was stepping carefully through the passageways. This was Goerge Aveling, a 29-year-old, crystal seller, who sold crystals illegally.

It was one thing to sell a gem as part of some jewelry, but it was another to sell a crystal by itself, untouched and unmodified. Crystals are sometimes created from mana and though beautiful, can also be unstable. George had sold some in the past to very bad mages, and would sometimes be in search of special kinds for clients. This quest of his was in fact one such search.

Swiftly dodging a trap where many azure crystals attempted to pierce and stab him. George found the room that he was looking for. He smirked with satisfaction as two glowing crystals floated over their pedestal.

"Gottcha." He uttered to himself as he pulled a pouch out from his belt. "Come to George, my little beauties. Your secrets and knowledge are now soon going to be my client's." He stuck the crystals into the pouch and began to dash away to make his escape.

He didn't wish to stick around for whatever the cave would hold.

Over in the fallen crystal kingdom, Boomer was looking out through the window when a bird flow into the town and over to where his henchmen were.

"Looks like a message came." He uttered to himself as the thunder rumbled some within his magically made clouds.

Footsteps echoed from within the stairwell, as Splatter then entered into the room.

"Boss! There is a message addressed to you." The lackey handed the note to Boomer as a neutral face came across his head. He was both pleased and yet annoyed at the same time by the message he'd received.

Dear P.T. Boomer, I have found the crystals you wanted. I know that you wanted me to deliver them to you, but unfortunately, I still have to set up shop for the Summer's end festival in the Kingdom of Light. Perhaps you could meet me in the woods that outskirt the Kingdom while I'm closed up for some time? Otherwise, you may have to wait a bit longer. The choice is completely up to you so I'll await your response. -Goerge Aveling.

"It seems I have a trip to make." Boomer spoke to his lackey. Though a bit dumb, Splatter and his twin normally knew what to do.

"Okay then!" He then spoke. "I'll tell Dodge that we have to get your horse ready."

Nothing more was said as Boomer watched his minion dart off. He sighed and grinned some as he thought about him getting his hands on the crystals that his seller had to offer.

"Oh, just you wait, little prince. Once I have these crystals, I'll know of ALL of your abilities, powers, and weak points!" His laugh was loud and maniacal.

Maybe just maybe, his victory will be ensured this time.

As they planned, Thomas and Lady kept their loving relationship a massive secret from anyone and everyone they knew. As the second born of a royal family, Lady was required to marry someone of at least a very high-ranking nobility. With Thomas's social rank still unknown, the likelihood of him fitting the bill was slim.

One fateful and peaceful morning, Thomas was resting soundly within the bed of his chambers. His dream was a good one the night before and he never felt so comfortable in such a long time.

Presently a gentle hand began to caress his cheek tenderly, emitting a loving warmth that he instantly recognized. Thomas opened his eyes slowly and found Lady on his bed, smiling longingly at him.

"Morning." She greeted lovingly.

"Morning." Thomas replied. He glanced about for a bit, ensuring that it was just them. Then for a brief 5 seconds, he kissed her as he has done many times since the day when Arry and Bert attacked. Lady giggled after this gesture, before giving him a quick small nuzzle in return.

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