Chapter 4: Prideful Pounces.

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The base of the Royal guard wasn't too far from the palace. As one would expect, many swordsmen and swordswomen in armor were training hard with wooden swords, either dueling one another or practicing Sword-Spells.

The Commander, Henry Stanier was a very strong individual. His black hair held streaks of green and his eyes matched his highlights. He was also a plant lover and was sure to voice his concern when too much wood is taken from the trees. Even with that, he cared for the people he led and the townsfolk he protected. He was strong-willed. Not willing to go down in a fight.

As he observed the guards he was training, footsteps sounded, and two familiar figures plus one that he didn't recognize, came into the distance. The sandy blonde head and the long golden hair he knew to be Burnett and Lady. As for the black hair with blue highlights, he had a hunch on who it could be. Turning his body to face them, Henry bowed to the king and Princess as they stopped before him.

"Your, Highness. Majesty. I greet you a good morning."

"Good morning to you as well, commander Stanier." The king stated happily. The younger man in green glanced over at the newcomer as he was then introduced.

"Commander, meet Thomas. He's a guest at the palace. He's the swordsman who saved the kingdom from the mercenary's attack two days prior, and before that, saved my daughter from a violent beast that was summoned."

Henry cracked an impressed smile as he glanced over at the boy in blue.

"Ah! So you're the one who dual-wielded two swords. I commend your efforts. When I was told of your skill I was heavily impressed by them."

Thomas, being the usually silent one he was, simply nodded as he took in Henry's words. At first, the commander was confused. Raising an eyebrow at Thomas's silence. Lady soon caught on and went to explain.

"Thomas isn't really the talkative type. He's been through something traumatic before saving me and would only really chat with ones he trusts. Even then, he doesn't always talk."

"So I see." Henry complied before turning his attention back to the dual-wielder. "Well, regardless, I still want you to consider me as a friend, Thomas. You seem to be a really good kid, and a very skilled swordsman. I'll understand if you need your time, but I can assure you that I mean no real harm."

Thomas nodded again, giving Henry a glance of pure acknowledgment.

"Before we get too far off track, Stanier." Burnett then said, scratching his head. "As thanks for his actions, I'd like Thomas to be made as an honorary Royal Guard."

Henry beamed broadly.

"Ooh! I very much intended to make him so the moment when I heard about his heroic actions. Follow me inside and I'll get everything done and signed. Just watch out for the vice. He's more heated than usual all because Thomas here took down really powerful enemies."

"Great." Lady sighed sarcastically as Thomas and Burnett groaned.

Just their luck.

Within the base, Thomas and Lady passed by many guards. Some even remembered Thomas from that day and waved to him. Though massive, the base for the royal guards wasn't as big as the place for the royal family. As a matter of fact, it was more militarized and uniform rather being fancy and regal.

Arriving into the commander's office, a grumbling voice of a male was heard from the corner. His black wolf tail had streaks of blue and green and his eyes were a greenish bluish color. Like Henry, he was in his 20s and had a very sturdy build. He glanced over at Thomas and upon seeing two swords on his belt his already furious look became even more so.

The Silent Swordsman: Volume 1: Silent AzureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ