Chapter 1

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[ disclaimer : fr y'all ignore my mistakes and weird shit in here i made this in 2015 and i was 14 tf ]

Josey's POV:

Hi. My name is Josey. This is my story. Let me tell you about me, I love to play soccer and sing but I'm not rly that good so I don't sing for anyone. I live in Omaha, Nebraska. My best friend is Katie, I love her so much, I am always laughing with her. As of right now it's 9am and it's Saturday and I'm just sitting in my room checking Twitter and Instagram.

"Jose hunny, breakfast!" My mom yelled. Jose is my nickname. "Coming!" I ran downstairs. My little sister Maddie (she's 10) and my mom we're at the table eating waffles. I only have one sister and my mom. My parents divorced when I was two. It wasn't rly hard on me bc I was little.

"Good morning," my mom greeted me. "Morning," I said. "Grab yourself a waffle," mom told me, "Maddie has her dance recital at 10, so we have to hurry." I nodded my head.

"Are you excited Maddie?" I asked my sister. "Yeah!" She smiled. I smiled back.

After breakfast I went to my room to get ready. I put on some light colored high waisted short shorts and a black and white striped tank top with white high top converse. It's springtime btw. I love spring bc you usually can wear short shorts and I love it. Spring is my favorite.

After I got dressed I brushed my teeth and did my make up, I just put on eye liner and mascara bc I'm only going to watch my sisters dance recital so I don't need any fancy make up. I ran down the stairs, my mom was getting the kitchen cleaned, she was already dressed and ready to go. I went over to the fridge and grabbed myself an "on the go" smoothie. Maddie came down stairs in her leotard and tights. "hey Maddie!" I yelled. "Hey Jose" she laughed, "no need to yell." We both laughed. "Okay girls, let's get going." Mom said.

So we got in the car, me in front, mom driving and Maddie in the back seat. We were just jamming out in the car. I love my family. Occasionally me and Maddie fight like normal siblings but mainly we get along.

As soon as we got to the high school, (not my high school, this is a public school, I go to a charter school) we all got out and went inside, Maddie went over to her class and me and mom found a seat in the 3rd row to the front. "Mom I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom," I said. "Okay"

So I got up and walked to the hallway and I couldn't find the bathroom, so I tapped some random boys shoulder to see if he knew. "What the h***?" The boy screamed at me. "Um," was all I managed to say. "Why did you poke me?!" He yelled even louder. "I, uh, can't find the bathroom and I was wondering if you knew where it was," I said quietly. "No I don't, bye." He said quieter, but in a mean-ish tone. I walked away. Not knowing where to go. I think I found the bathroom, I think the door down the hall says 'girls' but I can't rly tell from here.

I was waking towards it and I could hear someone walking towards me so I sped up. Probably that boy. I hope not. "Hey wait up!" He shouted. I walked faster. But I think he was running and he caught up to me. "I'm sorry about my friend Sammy back there he's kinda... In a bad mood." The boy said. "It's okay." I said. "What's your name?" He smiled. "Josey." I told him. "What a lovely name," he said, "why are you here?" "My sister has a dance recital," I said, "you also never told me your name." "Oh I'm Jack. Jack Johnson." He said. "Cool, anyway do you happen to know where the bathroom is?" I asked. "Oh right, it's right there," Jack pointed at the door. "Oh, thank you." I walked over to it. All of sudden he shouted at me, "wait! Aren't you gonna give me your number?" What a perv. But he was nice. "Maybe," I shouted back. "Maybe!? Why maybe?" Jack yelled. "Because I barely know you," I said strictly. I could tell he was probably back there smirking or something.

As soon and I was done going to the bathroom I quickly went back to the auditorium. My mom asked me what took so long. I just told her I couldn't find the bathroom, I didn't want her to know about Jack. He was actually rly cute, and he was nice.

A/n: I hope you like my story so far. It's my first and I'm new to wattpad so yeah. Thanks for reading and give me feedback it would be great. And follow me if you want, and add this story to your reading list to know when I update. Xx

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