Matchmaking packets

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A/N this book is right after book 8 but some things are changed. 

Sophie's POV

My whole body was wracked with nerves as I walked toward the building which had always made me nervous.  The matchmaking building.  It was made entirely out of crystal and had barely noticed it on my other visits to Atlantis.  This time only Edaline accompanied me since Grady had some work to do.  He was currently on an assignment.  He had recently just joined back again a couple of weeks ago.  I opened the door and went straight for the counter, wanting it to be over.  I saw the clerk who helped me last time and made a beeline for her.

"Hi there," I said politely as I walked up to the counter.  Isabella's face split into a grin as she recognized me.  

"Sophie!  How are you?" she asked, at the same time she reached into her desk and pulled out a packet.  "Here you go," she continued, "Just come back here to give it to us once you're done. Once you turn it in it should be there in a month,"  I eagerly got the packet and went back to where Eddaline was waiting.  "Thank you," I yelled over my shoulder as we went out of the building.  The whole trip back in the bubble took too long so I popped it as soon as we were above Atlantis.

"Woah, you really are excited," Edaline exclaimed as I went straight up to my bedroom to get started.  I worked through those questions as quickly as I could without messing up the answers.  Suddenly Fitz's voice filled my mind.

A/N Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

What are you doing?

Me? Oh nothing, just doing some homework.  I hurriedly blocked off any recent memories so he couldn't actually find out what I was doing.

Can you come over?  We were planning on playing base quest with everyone.

Sorry, I can't I promised Edaline I would help her with a little project she had.  I felt bad about lying to him but I wanted to surprise him.

Ok, well see you tomorrow, he transmitted, disappointment in his voice.


It's fine, I understand.  With that, he servered our connection.  I hurriedly finished the packet and when I finished I found Edaline in the house making some mallowmelt.  She looked up at me in surprise.  Just as soon as I was going to head downstairs I heard my imparter ring and decided to get it. 

Biana's face appeared on the screen and she asked, "Do you know what is making Fitz lock himself in his room?"

"I don't know why but I have something to tell you, but first you have to keep it a secret,"  I said.  She looked at me weirdly and agreed.

"I went to the matchmaker's office today and I'm going to turn in my packet today," I explained.  She squealed and hurriedly said, "How about we do a sleepover?  You can come over and I pretend to suggest a sleepover."

"Sure," I said, overwhelmed, "I guess you can call some others."

"I'll do everyone who got their lists,"  then she clicked off the imparter and I rushed downstairs.

"Wow, you're done already," she stated, surprised.

Grady suddenly appeared in the doorway, he was clearly done with the assignment, "Done with what?"

"Sophie just turned in the matchmaking packet," explained Edaline, then Grady started walking out the door," Where are you going?  You better not be going to the matchmaker's office!"

"I'm just going to make some changes to the packet that she gets," he said, sounding innocent.  

Edaline elbowed him in the ribs, and she said, "What your father meant was that he is going to take care of the animals and is very excited for you to get your packet."  With that, they both walked out and started taking care of the animals.  I went over to the leapmaster and yelled Everglenand there I was waiting outside.  Surprisingly it was Biana who answered the door. 

"Fitz is pouting right now," she explained, "At least we can play base quest now.  Keefe's already here."  We had reached the front doors when I found Fitz and Keefe sitting in opposite chairs in the living room.

"Finally the Mysterious miss F has arrived," exclaimed Keefe, "So what should we do now?"

"How about we play base quest," I suggested.  After a long round of arguing the teams were going to be me and Fitz with Keefe and Biana. 

"Skills and abilities are allowed," Biana said.

"Fine, but only if we quest first." Fitz negotiated.  She reluctantly agreed and picked the ginormous red tree as their base.  We went over to the far end of the property and yelled we were going and split up.  That way it would be harder for them to find us.  I scanned the whole area with my mind and found Biana coming close to Fitz

A/N Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

Fitz, Biana is coming up close to you go straight to your left and run ahead and you should see the tree.  I had a plan in my mind but I could see so many ways the plan could go wrong.  Biana appeared right next to Fitz and tagged him out.  I on purposely made a lot of noise running away to get Keefe over here.  Keefe suddenly appeared and tagged me.

"Gotcha," Keefe yelled and then marched me over to their base where Fitz was leaning against the tree and looked at the other Fitz with a look of puzzlement on his face.  I made the illusion of him disappear and explained what had happened.

"I made an illusion of Fitz right after he ran away and then I got you to follow me while Fitz got the tree."

"Wow," said Fitz, "I doubt I would have thought of a plan like that.  

"Now since Sophie is too good at Base quest how about we do a sleepover?" BIana suggested.  

"Sure, that's fine with me but first I just have to ask my parents,"  I hurriedly got out my pathfinder and stepped into the light.  I found myself next to Havenfield's animal treatment area where I had saved Iggy's life and saw mom walking out of the barn. 

"Why are you back so soon?" she asked with a look of bewilderment.

A/N Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

"I was just wondering if I could have a sleepover at Everglen," I waited for her answer eagerly and was about to shoot off when she finally said yes.  I sprinted inside and was halfway up the stairs when I transmitted to Fitz I can go!

Does Grady know?

No, but I'm sure Edaline will convince him to let me stay.  See you in a bit!


I had reached my room when the realization of what was happening sunk in.

"I'm doing a sleepover with Fitz Vacker!" I yelled.

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