22. relationship status

68 5 1

February 1,

Hermione knew..

Hermione knew, Hermione knew, Hermione knew.
No matter how many times Vivian replayed these words in her head, they still wouldn't sink in.

She didn't want to believe them.. she didn't want this situation to be real.. Because if it was real, then what did that mean?
What was Hermione going to do with the new information she had just gotten..? Surly she would tell someone.. You don't find out about something like this and then not tell anyone!

Vivian knew that whoever Hermione told would probably tell someone too, and then they would tell someone and then that person would tell someone and the cycle would rinse and repeat until the whole bloody school found out..
And once that happened.. Vivian didnt even want to think about that would mean for her and Draco.

How could she be so stupid?! She knew it was a bad idea talking so loudly and publicly about it with Pansy! But she took the risk, and now her and Draco's reputations were at stake once again thanks to her errors in judgment.

Vivian only knew one thing for sure, she had to speak to Hermione as soon as possible. She could not avoid confrontation like last time and hope for the best. If she wanted any chance at salvaging her time with Draco, then she needed to grow a pair and speak to the Gryffindor girl who was just too clever for her own good.. and she needed to do it quickly.

The opportunity arose only 3 hour later, much to Vivian's relief and also total terror.

She could hardly breathe when Hermione glanced at her after dinner that night, it was excruciating for Vivian as she waited to see if the Granger girl was going to tell anyone what she heard or not. Vivian payed attention to the small section of the Gryffindor table for the entirety of dinner, waiting to see who would gasp or scream or point their finger at Vivian first..
But that didn't end up happening, Hermione didn't spill the secret she heard. She didn't so much as glance Vivian's direction until the very end of the meal.

And then, much to Vivian's surprise, Hermione didn't even leave with Ron or Harry or any of the other Gryffindors once everyone began to head out of the great hall either. She just stayed put. A contemplative look on her face.

Vivian was pretty sure this was intentional... because if Hermione was anything, she was calculated and precise. Every move she made had thought put behind it. She didn't do things by mistake or accident..

So, with as much courage as Vivian could muster, she made her way slowly to the section of the Gryffindor table that Hermione Granger was sat at, seemingly zoned out on the oak below her.

"..Um.. Hi." Vivian found herself saying awkwardly as she sat down across from Hermione. The Gryffindor girl glanced up, maybe only a little bit surprised to see her there. She forced a small smile.

"Oh, Hello, Vivian. Having a nice evening?"

Vivian nodded a bit, thinking that she should've thought out what exactly she was going to say to Hermione before coming over here a little bit better, "Er, yeah.. it's been good... You?"

"Good.. great." Hermione said, now making direct eye contact with the Hufflepuff across from her.

Vivian pursed her lips, figuring that she should just rip the band aid off, the small talk was going to kill her. "So listen, about earlier,"

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