19. swollen lips

108 6 3

january 13,

Vivian could barely believe the past week and a half she'd had. She was pretty certain that something like this would never happen to her. Not in a million years could she imagine that she would be roaming the corridors with Draco Malfoy, hiding in broom cupboards and abandoned classrooms, snogging the life out of each-other.

If someone told the brunette that this would be her life even a year ago, she would've laughed in their face. It was just too unbelievable.

And yet, as Vivian's back hit the wall and Draco's hands roamed around her waste, she knew it was entirely real. It wasn't some crazy dream that she would wake up from in the morning. This was actually happening. Sometimes Vivian would pinch herself— just in case.

"Finished yet, Vivian?" Milo yawned from where he sat on the ground across from his best friend.

"Just about," Vivian mumbled without looking up from the care of magical creatures essay she was working on.

It was one of the few non practical assignments Hagrid had given his class so far this school year, which was something Vivian along with everyone else who took his class were very thankful for.

"Well I'm finished.. and absolutely knackered, I think I'm going to call it a night." Milo said with a yawn before he began to stand back up, stretching as he did so.

The brunette girl only nodded her head a bit, knowing that if she took too much of her consciousness to reply she would lose all of the dwindling concentration she had left on her essay. She was nearly done anyway, there was no giving up now. especially because it was due the day before.

Vivian figured she really ought to start working on her organizational skills. Her brain was definitely suffering in that department.

She sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly as she heard Milo finally walk out of the common room. Though his footsteps sounded as though they were leading outside of the Hufflepuff house as a whole— no where near where the 4th year Hufflepuff dorms were.

Vivian shrugged, she must be too tired to remember things correctly.

The minutes began passing by agonizingly slow now that Milo was gone, and Vivian could feel herself growing more and more tired at each tick of the clock on the wall.

She assumed it must be some time near 11 pm, which was quite late in the night for someone who liked sleep as much as Vivian Bright did.

The heat of the fireplace right in-front her wasn't helping either, the brunette had to stop herself from placing her head down on the table and allowing the warmth of the fire to take over her quite a few times now. This was getting ridiculous.

"Wotcher, Viv!" The brunette girl could faintly here her cousin call from over near the entrance. She barely had enough energy to say anything back.

Cedric, who had just gotten back from some sort of 6th year Hufflepuff hangout, made his way over to the couch Vivian was sat against, an amused and slightly tipsy grin stuck to his face.

Vivian responded with a pursed lip smile of her own from where her head was rested in her hands, her eyes nearly completely shut.

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