1. the quidditch world cup

408 15 14

September 1,

[disclaimer: this is a flashback, the actual book takes place during
4-7 year]

Vivian Bright could barely stand still.

She had been awaiting this moment every since she had gotten her bloody letter in the mail.. And that just over a year ago now.

She remembered the day it happened Vividly. It was her 10th birthday, after all.

The rain came down heavily, causing all of the neighborhood kids at the small party to run inside, soaking wet and irate that they hadn't got a chance to bounce on the moonwalk as much as they would've liked. Although, Vivian didn't mind much, she had always quite liked the rain.

Then out of the blue came a pure white owl, pecking on the window. Vivian remembered her mother's worried expression verses her fathers confused one as the older Bright woman grabbed the letter from the owl's beak.

The other kids could hardly contain themselves, insisting that they should be the one to open the letter, despite it being Vivian's birthday.

Mrs. Bright wouldn't let anyone touch it though, not even her daughter who wanted to desperately know who it was from.

But alas, that night, august 24 to be exact. Instead of a letter to Hogwarts placed into her tiny hands.. Vivian was instead 'gifted' a raging argument which eventually bled into a divorce.

She used to get sad when she thought about her parents suddenly splitting up and her dad moving across the country.. but now she was more frustrated if anything.. not that she dwelled on it too much.

Vivian could hardly manage the excitement building up in her body anymore. it was one thing to receive you're very own letter from Hogwarts— But it was almost unbearable for her to  be this close to the station.

Vivians mother, Marisa, held her tiny hand has they approached the brick wall in between plat forms 9 and 10.

"Mum, do you think I'll be a Gryffindor? Or do you think I'll be a Slytherin?! Oo- is the Gryffindor common room pretty? I bet it's pretty- maybe theres a lion on the wall! — Mum! Hurry up! You're walking so slow..!"

The older Bright woman sighed but nevertheless picked up her pace as she weaved in and out of the muggles scattered around the station.

Marisa walked them towards what looked to be a solid wall.

Vivian furrowed her bushy brows, "Mum? Why are we walking towards a solid wall?!"

"Don't worry, Viv. It's completely safe— it's a magic wall. you can close your eyes if you're scared, though." Ms. Bright said as she tugged a now beaming with amazement Vivian towards the mound of bricks.

"I'm not scared!" Vivian protested, causing her mother to roll her big brown eyes.
"Oh of course you aren't, darling. You're never scared, of anything."

"..Nope! Never ever!"

Marisa pursed her lips into a thin line, but Vivian could see that her eyes were adorned with a bittersweet sadness.
"Well then, I suppose you're gonna keep those peepers of yours open when we run straight.. into.. the.. wall.."

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