18. new years resalutions

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january 1,

Christmas came and went and soon after that the New Years rolled around.

It was now officially 1995, and Vivian was thankful that she was finally able to put the past years events behind her. It was about time she grew up and moved on..

An easier task said then done considering what had only just happened the night before she was supposed to leave for break..

It had been basically the only thing on Vivian's mind throughout the Christmas holidays.. She barely payed attention to the never ending stream of questions her mother had for her once she made it back home, or the Christmas gifts she had received from her loved ones the morning of December 25th. Vivian was so distracted that she even had a hard time paying much attention to Cedric when he, uncle Amos and his wife came around for Christmas dinner that year. It was that bad.

It wasn't that Vivian wasn't extremely grateful for all of the wonderful things she had been gifted that year.. it was just that there were other things weighing on her mind.. a specific thing... with a specific pair of lips..

It made the brunette girl incredibly frustrated that she couldn't stop thinking about Draco. Or more specifically, kissing him and what it felt like. The sensation was something she was sure she would never feel again. And she hated it. She hated that he now had this power over her.

However she hated herself more, she hated that she had kissed Draco in the first place, even thinking about it made her physically cringe, because his reaction was quite possibly the worst thing that could've happened. Well.. maybe not the worst— he could've thrown up or..something..

But it was still pretty damn humiliating. Vivian wasn't even quite sure she would be able to handle being near him again in just a few days... she was sure he would hold it over her head in some way and never let her forget how stupid she was for ever thinking that doing that was a good idea..

Basically, the whole situation sucked but there wasn't much Vivian could do about it now. The damage was done and she couldn't exactly obliviate him.. no matter how much she wanted to from time to time.. it seemed as though she was just going to have to ride wave out, and pray to Merlin that Draco Malfoy would never bring any of it up.

It was certainly hard to be optimistic. Though Vivian of course tried.

For the remainder of break though, Vivian found comfort in the fact that she would not see Draco Malfoy. She was home. And she was with her mom. It helped a bit.. focusing on the positive.

And as of right now, Vivian found herself sat cross legged on the new duvet she had gotten from her mother for Christmas, the coloured pencils Milo had gotten her held tightly in her hand as she carefully wrote out his name on a small piece of parchment for a thank you card, she had already finished mostly everyone else's that had gotten her a gift for Christmas. She was very grateful for her lovely friends and family and was genuinely quite excited to see them again soon. Though the Brunette did still feel like crying at the fact that she would be returning to school tomorrow.

It felt like it had been two days rather than two weeks since she had been off of school, and she was definitely not ready to go back to the never ending cycle of classes and homework.

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