12. communicate

100 8 1

december 8,

Vivian forced herself to wake up bright and early that Monday morning, after not seeing Draco once the rest of Saturday or at all Sunday, The brunette knew she had no more time to waste as she got ready that morning.

Vivian was quick to throw on her uniform and yellow robes and then draw on some eyeliner with the rest of her makeup routine. It was obviously rushed and the wings were somewhat wonky but The Bright girl decided it would have to work for the time being as she swiftly grabbed the bag that held Draco's robes out from under her bed and rushed out of the 4th year girls dorm room just as the others started to wake up.

The corridors were desolate aside from maybe one or two more early risers. Vivian wasn't even sure the slytherins would be up yet.. the Hufflepuffs certainly weren't.
But then again The green house definitely had more of a schedule than the yellow house did.

Vivian walked as quickly as she could before it started to be borderline running over to where the Slytherins resided and found herself stopping right in-front of the entrance.

The brunette groaned at her own stupidity upon realizing that she had no idea how to even get into the green common room.

She considered asking a near by painting until she realized that that wasn't really an option due to the insane amount of times she had been called mud-blood or some other terrible thing over the time she'd been down there.

Vivian sighed, about to knock on the wall where the entrance was, not seeing any other option, when suddenly a mop of brown hair came walking right through.

"Theo!" Vivian squeaked when she realized who it was.

The brunette Slytherin jumped and nearly dropped the book he had in his hands before his wide eyes finally landed on The Bright girl.

"Merlin you scared me. What are you doing here? Are you here for Parkinson?" Theo shook his head in amusement as he ran a ring adorned hand through his brown hair.

"Uhm— no I'm actually here for
Dr—Malfoy." Vivian blushed slightly under his confused gaze.

Theo quirked a brow for a moment before suddenly his face seemed to lighten up, "Malfoy, huh? And why would that be?" He smirked suggestively. Leaving Vivian to purse her lips tightly.

"I have his robe.. he lent it to me when it was raining Saturday and I want to give it back." The Brunette Hufflepuff sighed quietly, glancing up at the slytherin boy to see his smile somewhat faded.

"Oh, okay. I can go get him for you, if you'd like." He asked this time.

"Yes— I mean, that'd be great thanks." Vivian muttered as she tucked a lose stand of hair back behind her ear awkwardly.

Theo didn't say anything more and instead shot a small smile at the brunette as he climbed back into his common room.

Vivian stood outside of Slytherin somewhat uncomfortably for what must've been at least 3 minutes. She was beginning to lose hope, slightly wondering if the Nott boy had forgotten about his task until she saw a very tall and pale figure step out of the door.

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