20. potters other lover

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january 18,

The morning after Cho exposed Vivian's 'relationship with Harry' that was really just a cover up story for who she was actually romantically involved with, most of the school had heard about the rumor.

And so soon enough, so did Rita Skeeter. Vivian had only had a few encounters with the woman before, and from what she had gathered, the Skeeter woman was kind of a bitch. What with the way she apparently couldn't keep Hermione's name out of her wretched articles. Not to mention all the problems she had already caused Harry so far this year.

But it looked like that list was just going to get longer for Harry, (no thanks to Vivian) because almost as soon as the brunette stepped into her common room that night after classes, Hannah was shoving the wretched article right into her hands.

The rumour of course made the front page,


A Juicy rumor has been flying around Hogwarts, HARRY POTTER, more well known as the boy who lived and the youngest triWizard champion to date— who has been romantically involved with Hermione Granger as early as November.. has recently been seen cozying up to a Ravenclaw girl in his year.

This new mystery girl is none other than Vivian Diggory, more well known as the younger cousin of one of the tri-Wizard champions himself— Cedric Diggory.
An interview scheduled for later today will let us in on just how Diggory feels about the budding relationship between the boy who lived and his 12 year old cousin...!

Rumor has it that the Diggory girl is only going out with Potter to distract him from the tournament, ensuring that her cousin will remain victorious..

No news on how Miss Granger feels about Potter getting with the Diggory—

"Oh, c'mon!" Vivian scowled as she crumbled the newspaper up into a large paper ball and tossed it into the fireplace. Even if half the article was just a load of rubbish... everyone who actually went to Hogwarts knew who it was really about..."This is bloody insane."

Hannah rose her brows up in amusement. It had taken the majority of lunch that day to barely convince the other Hufflepuff's Vivian's age that she was not in-fact romantically involved with Harry Potter.

She knew it was going to be a lot more difficult to convince the rest of the school of this, now even more thanks to Rita Skeeter. But there wasn't really any other option...

a small sliver of Vivian knew that it would be easiest to just let people believe her and Harry were actually going out— but that wouldn't be fair to him, or her, or— Draco.

Draco! What was probably the worst part of all of this was the fact that the Slytherin boy and all of his friends had been sending Vivian confused/angry/suspicious looks basically all day.

At first, she didn't notice it. She assumed she was just paranoid. But by the time lunch rolled around even Milo was asking what Vivian did to "piss all of her pet snakes off?"

She just rolled her eyes at him. But the feeling of guilt settled into her stomach once she realized it was not just her imagination. They all knew about her and Draco's... situation. And of course, they were going to feel angry for their friend. after all, Slytherins were almost as loyal as the Hufflepuffs.

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