14. gladrags wizardwear

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december 16,

"Ron is going to be the death of me, I swear." Hermione exclaimed, clearly frustrated as she walked towards the dress shop in Hogsmeade along side Vivian and Lillian.

"It sounds like he still needs to figure out how to express his emotions.." The brunette Hufflepuff replied to Hermione's previous rant about how the Weasley boy had insultingly asked her to the Yule ball, and then got upset when she said she already had a date and then proceeded to ask out Fleur, right in-front of her.

"Exactly! That's what I said too!" Hermione practically shouted.

"Wait, I'm confused, was the part where you told Weasley you actually had a date a lie or not?" Lillian suddenly questioned, her eyebrows knitting together in curiosity.

"Oh," Hermione began to blush, "Well, its the truth.. but—"

"It is?!" Lillian gasped excitingly, "Oh my, who is it? Is he in Gryffindor?"

Hermione almost looked startled by the amount of energy radiating off of the ebony haired Hufflepuff, "N-No, he's not a Gryffindor.."

As Lillian and Vivian began to try and work out who Hermione's date could possibly be, the granger girls face slowly sunk deeper and deeper into her hands.

"Guys! God, if I tell you will you stop asking so many questions..?"

The two Hufflepuffs made eye contact for a moment, silently communicating whether or not they should take the granger girls deal, after a second or two, Vivian nodded her head, "Okay, deal."

And so, with one more deep sigh from Hermione, she began to speak again, "..Do you guys know Victor?"

"Victor? Victor..."

The two Hufflepuff girls rose their brows for a second or two, before Lillian abruptly gasped, "Victor Krum?!"

The facial expression the Gryffindor girl made was enough confirmation for the other two girls. Vivian squealed in surprise, slinging her arm around Hermione, "Oh my gosh! I knew you two had something going on! I knew it! When did he ask?"

"The start of December.. Wait, how did you know we had something going on..?" Hermione stated and then questioned, a surprised smile gracing her features.

Vivian released a small giggle, absentmindedly kicking the slush beneath her shoes, "Well, when you made that comment at the start of the term about how he was cute or something, that was a clue that you liked him.. and then when we were both in that one tent before the first task, I saw the way you two were looking at each other, and then he defended you against that reporter lady.. and I was like 'do you think they're going out or something?' To Cedric!" Vivian rambled, "And he said didn't know, but I was right!"

Hermione blushed but chuckled in amusement, Lillian shook her head fondly.

"So what about you, Vivian? Do you have a date? And we all know Lillian and McCoy are going together." Hermione questioned after a moment or two of silence.

Vivian glanced over to meet the Granger girls eyes, she nodded her head a bit, "Yeah— but, well I don't know if I'd call it a date, I'm going with Pansy as a friend.."

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