17. after-party

121 7 1

december 24,

As Vivian stepped into her black ankle boots that rested just below her scrunched up, white socks, She could feel the waves of anxiety flow through her body.

Partys were never something Vivian really enjoyed. She didn't like large groups of people. Body's brushing up against her with no room to move, the heat radiating off of them leaving her with frizzy hair and sweaty skin.

And It wasn't that she didn't like most people.. Well— most was a bit of an overstatement, Vivian liked some people. A-few people she had to take plenty of time to decide whether or not she should open up and let in. For someone as emotional and prone to picking up on things that most others missed when it came to human beings as Vivian Bright... It was sometimes hard for her to decide someone's true intentions—
After all, Vivian always tried to see the best in people, sometimes letting them walk all over her because she wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt.

She knew it wasn't healthy and would just leave her hurt and heartbroken in the end... but maybe that made her a good person.. she didn't know.

Vivian made her way down the corridors and corridors that led to the Slytherin dungeons. Her brown hair sprawled behind her in the loose curls that she charmed to stop from frizzing.

As she stopped in-front of the entrance , smiling politely yet uneasily at the 'bouncer' who was waiting outside of it, checking to see who was on the list, Vivian nearly laughed, some Slytherin really went all out with this party..

"Er, Vivian Bright.." Vivian muttered almost too quietly once she made it up the front of the line, a guy holding a clipboard with a long list of names narrowed his eyes at her before he scanned it, the letters on her name boldened on the parchment, making it easier to find. He eventually nodded, allowing her to enter by hissing the password once he found her sir name in the 'B' section.

Vivian took one more deep breathe, sending a small prayer off into the universe before entering the green common room.

As the bricks rearranged themselves to fit back together and seal the entrance shut, Vivian found herself stilling from the other side of them, taking in all of the people from all 4 houses and the two extra schools visiting, dancing to blaring music that was synced up with the flashing neon lights.

It was similar to the party Vivian had been to before the first task in November, just more amped up and far crazier.

The brunette gulped, smiling awkwardly at some people who passed by, they didn't return the small gesture, instead sending a small glare as they left, leaving Vivian to shiver in confusion.

The brunettes eyes widened a bit but she kept on moving anyway. She knew she had to be weary of every little thing that happened inside these walls. She could not let her guard down..

Her brown eyes scanned the large room, Vivian was on the hunt for the short Slytherin girl with a black bob. Or really anyone she knew at this point.

What must've been 60 seconds went by and there was still no sign of Pansy or one of her other Slytherin acquaintances. Vivian began to grow very uncomfortable, she felt out of place and embarrassed standing there alone, looking like an absolute idiot.

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