(Smut) Part 20 Blood

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(Author's note: smut warning, vampirism.)

I've been the same age for more years than I could ever admit. I've been ice cold to the touch with smooth porcelain skin and eyes of hypnotic power. I tried my utmost not to harm humans, to fight my inner nature as I have always felt such conflict. I was well practiced in self control and the ability to live on animals instead of mortals. I was in Seattle in a bar I'd never visited before. The place was full of the dull, mundane scent of humans but there was a whiff of something much sweeter. I followed my nose, fighting back the acidic burn in my throat and came face to face with a dark, curly haired male with round eyes and a kind, warm face. The male was beautiful, like the Roman god Bacchus. His cheeks turned a violent shade of red with blood and I had to hold my breath. "Hi, Can I get you a drink or are you here with somebody?" He asked. My eyes were fixed on him. "No. Thankyou. They don't serve my preference." I replied. His mouth fell open as I spoke. "What's you're name, Bacchus?" I asked him. He looked exactly like the roman god of wine. "George. I'm a surgical intern at the hospital across the street." He stammered. "Really? Interesting." He stood there, staring at me in a stunned stupor as I stared back at him, my thirst grabbing me unexpectedly. "Wh-what's a woman like you doing in a dive like this?" He asked with a mildly flirtatious gleam in his eyes. My own eyes shot wider and trailed to his neck. The scent definitely came from him and his was the sweetest scent I'd come across in decades. I subconsciously threw my head back and bared my venom-coated teeth in a brief second moment of overwhelming thirst. I fought the feeling right back down again and returned to self restraint. He sat there stunned and waiting for me to respond to his question. "Following my nose." I slipped harshly, grabbing him by the collar of his jacket and hauled him out of the bar. He didn't know what was going on. I took him to a secluded spot and I went to sink my teeth into the side of his neck, the spot I'd kept my thirsty eyes on from the second I saw his face. But, I found that my lips were softly latched onto the spot, not my teeth into it. The man's head tilted and craned sideways, enjoying the feeling. He moaned and his blood pulsed in pleasure. He was very warm and flushed and he smelled even more delectable. I. Must. Not. Yield. I. Must. Not. Kill. Him. "Who are you?" He asked me. "I have had many names over time." I told him obscurely. He didn't seem to even care at what I'd said.

George's POV

I looked into those gorgeous eyes staring back at me, round and intelligent. They screamed history at me, like she'd lived an unnaturally long life. She was frozen to the touch. But all I cared about was that ravishing face and that silky, sultry voice. She was no ordinary woman, she was a Goddess. She was unlike any woman I'd ever seen before. There was no way she could be human. I remembered the very sexy but even more sinister stare in her eyes just before she grabbed me and took us out of the bar. "That blush in your cheeks makes you smell even better." She whispered. This caused me to blush even more and she moaned, throwing her head back and a faint feline-like growl escaped her. "Want to taste you." She hissed harshly. I was oblivious as to what she meant. "I can't have you. I can't." She said taking a leap backwards away from me and as she was stood under a streetlight I saw her entirely and clearly for the first time. The orange light that shine above her made her skin look like she was dead. She stared at me waiting for something. I blinked my eyes and when they were open again, she was in front of but a little way apart from me. "Come here." I heard myself whisper wistfully, infatuated. She hesitated. My eyes gazed at her exquisite mouth and I wanted so desperately to kiss her. My fingertip was tenderly tracing underneath her chin, lightly pulling her face towards mine. I made my move and our lips smashed together.


We were in my bedroom, stripped bare and our bodies joined. As I penetrated her, I noticed for the first time how her exquisite lips were peeled back revealing her pointed teeth and the realisation of what exactly she was did not bother me. Now everything she told me made sense but I didn't care. I fell in love with her right there as her erotic, breathy moans filled the room and echoed in my head. "Tell me your name." I requested as I edged closer and closer to my release. "Y/n." She hissed. "Oh Y/n!" I moaned out, my breathing hitched. Why hadn't I thought to ask her before. She opened her eyes and looked as gently as she could but couldn't quite pull it off. Her eyes were a peculiar golden Hazel, a colour I had not even seen before. "Yes George. Yes! Oh yes!" She whimpered. I thrusted my body harder and deeper into her. My head impulsively went backwards and my eyes were tightly shut. I felt her wet but cool tongue on my throat, followed by her sucking lips. It was that very thing that made me climax, not the actual sex. The glutteral moan that I released made me ram myself into her even deeper and that sent her over her own edge. She clenched her walls rightly around my length and that dragged the feeling out for us both. I then felt a subconsciously anticipated sharp, stabbing pain in my neck but as I was still orgasming, it didn't feel that bad. She'd finally given in. She rolled us over as she was tasting my blood. She stopped herself and leapt across the room, her face etched in remorse and regret. "George. I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop myself." She panted. I sat up in bed. "Don't apologise. It's alright. I know." I told her. I fingered the bite in my neck but it didn't hurt me. "What'll happen now?" I asked her. "It shouldn't cause any harm. I stopped just in time before any venom could-" She said but cut herself off. I nodded in fathom. She flitted to the side of the bed to get dressed. "Please, don't go. Please stay." I hushed. She turned and gave me a confused look. "If you know what I am then you should be terrified, repulsed and never want to see me again." She said. "But I'm not. I don't. I want you and I want you to stay. I can't let you go. I understand what the risks are. You can kill me easily even by mistake. I. Don't. Care. I want you." I told her. She considered me a moment and I hadn't realised that I was stood in front of her now.

Y/n's POV

I'd only realised in that second that I was infatuated with George, especially in his glorious nakedness. He could be the very Roman Bacchus statue I'd once owned in my house in Rome. That's why he reminded me so much of the wine god. "Can I ask you something?" He wondered. I nodded, anticipating a vampire related question but was shocked when it wasn't. "Back in the bar, why did you call me Bacchus?" He said with a grin. "Where I come from, in Rome I owned a roman Statue of Bacchus and you look so much like him." I explained. He grinned even wider. "You think I look like a roman statue?" He said. "Of a god. You look like a roman god." I said, nodding my head. He kissed me in response. His warm hands found my icy skin and slowly traced it, taking in my chill. "Does my deathly cold skin not repulse you?" I asked. He shook his head. "Do my unnatural eyes instir terror?" I pressed. "No. You're eyes are so beautiful and unique." He replied. "Does my inhuman strength and speed not unsettle you?" I continued. "No. They do not. They make you a fierce, strong, independent and powerful woman and I love that about you." He said fervently. "You are not afraid of me even when I could've killed you just then?" I asked, indicating to where I'd bitten him. "No. It didn't even hurt that much. My body. I was still overtaken with the pleasure of the sex." He blushed at his own statement. He clearly remembered how we both made each other feel too.

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