Part 14 Lioness

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George's POV

We'd just got to work and were all stood at the lockers when Izzie gets a text. "Ha! My cousin's coming over later this afternoon to give Addison a consult." She tells us. "Oh wow. They're coming here?" Asked Cristina. "Yeah she is. I may warn you fellas she's a bit of a force of nature." She said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean it won't take much for her to bite your head off. Sometimes not necessarily your head if you catch my drift. So, watch your backs guys." She warned us. "Thanks for the heads up now I'm going to be terrified of her long before I even get to meet her." I groaned. "Don't be such a man child. You, she might be OK with. So Alex no flirting." Izzie went on. Alex held his hands up in mock defeat but I knew him better. "I like a challenge." He whispered to me. I rolled my eyes at him. Later at lunch in the cafeteria, in came a woman of extraordinary beauty that I'd never seen before. She had a long, thick mane of y/h/c hair which was loose around her shoulders and trailed down her back. She had feline-like y/e/c eyes and a slender, petite frame. Even before she made eye contact with Izzie who was sat next to me, I was instantly mesmerised with my mouth hanging open. Even the way she walked had a profound impact on me. Izzie stood up to greet her. "Hey, y/n! It's so great to see you! We missed you at Uncle Thomas' 60th party last month." Izzie was saying. That is her cousin?! I peeled my eyes away from the woman. Woman wasn't really the right word, Goddess was something more like it. I glanced at Alex who had the exact, same expression. She was a force of nature alright. "This is my cousin Dr y/f/n. These are my fellow interns Dr's George O'Malley, Alex Karev, Cristina Yang and Meredith Grey." Izzie announced. Her cousin shook our hands each in turn but paused when she reached Meredith last. "Grey? As in THE Dr Grey?" The cousin, woman, goddess whoever she was asked. "My mother was Dr Ellis Grey." Meredith explained. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Dr y/l/n gasped with a surprised smile that quite honestly took my breath away. "I just wanted to come early, pop in and say hello to Izzie before I meet Dr Montgomery in 10 minutes." She went on, checking her watch. Even when she frowned in concentration she was mesmerising. She stayed another few minutes before she hurried off to find Dr Montgomery. The clicking of Izzie's fingers in front of my face brought me back from my gazing stupor after Dr y/l/n had long left the cafeteria. "Earth to O'Malley." Izzie yelled in my ear. I jolted to glare at her. I looked around at them all. Izzie was not surprised by the effect that her cousin had on me.

Y/n's POV

While I was in the surgery with Dr Montgomery offering my guidance with this particular patient case, I looked up to see Izzie's fellow intern, Dr Karev. He looked down at me and gave me a flirty smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him and continued with the consult. After I was finished, I went to the locker rooms and there he was, waiting for me. "Wow. I have to say, you are exceptional in the operating theatre." He began. I deadpanned him. "Spare me the rhetoric. You think I haven't noticed how you behave towards women? You think Izzie hasn't told me all about you? I know who you are, I know what you are. You have a gift for overbearing confidence to borderline cockiness, I admire such boldness. But I will destroy you the moment I suspect you'll use them for intentions against Izzie. Keep away from her, do you hear me? So, do we understand one another?" I found that I had him pinned up against the wall, a growl escaping me. "Perfectly." He stammered. I rammed him against the wall again before releasing him. It seemed we had an audience as Dr Karev's other interns including Izzie were stood inside the doorway, mouths wide open in shock. I gathered my things and left the hospital. I wasn't one to take any credit for other people's work. Yes I contributed my help but I wouldn't accept any credit for it. The patient was after all under the care of Dr Montgomery. I realised I was being followed to the parking lot outside and I turned suddenly to find Izzie's other male fellow intern. "Dr O'Malley." I said in surprise. "Hi. I came to see if you were alright." He said. For the first time I looked at him, I mean really looked at him. He was very handsome and had a very kind, soft face. His eyes were warm, round and tender. "It's kind of you to come and check on me. But as you saw back there, I'm no damsel in distress, I have no need of rescuing." I said kindly with a hint of a glare in my eyes. "Yeah I noticed. But I wanted to come and find you nonetheless. That was some remarkable display of strength and courage we witnessed in there. It isn't often Dr Karev gets stood up to." He informed. I smiled at him with a slight glimmer of danger to me. "If I hear him advancing on her again, I'll split him open from his larynx to his navel and he won't be under anaesthesia." I growled. "Izzie told us that you're a force of nature." He told me. He was at least a bit frightened of me. "I get the sense you don't like men very much." He confessed. "On the contrary I just don't like men like Dr Karev." I corrected, laughing. "I'm nothing like Dr Karev. He's an asshole." He told me. I looked at him deeper. "No. I don't believe you are, at all. You're one of the good ones." I said. He blushed right down to his chest at this. "I'd better get going. You can tell Izzie that I'm alright and if Dr Karev goes anywhere near her, well. Tell him of my threats." I said, turning to go. "Will we see you again?" He called after I'd gained a little distance. "Who knows? We'll see shall we?" I said smirking at him.

George's POV

And then she was gone. I wanted to grab her by the wrist, pull her into my body and kiss her but I knew better than to antagonise her. Later that night at Meredith's I was watching a nature documentary about lions and then it clicked as to what Dr y/l/n reminded me of. She was a lioness! Beautiful, fierce, prodominantly female and feline, strong and protective like a predator defending her young and Alex Karev up against the locker room wall was in that moment her adversary. I had to admit that she was very sexy in that moment, if not a little frightening. A few weeks later, an interesting thing happened. After finishing a shift at Seattle Grace Hospital, a visitor was waiting for me. I walked out of the building and leant up against the wall, there she was. "Hi Dr O'Malley." She said, grinning. The lioness flashed her sultry eyes at me as she walked over to meet me. "Hi, Dr y/l/n. It's nice to see you again. You did another consult?" I asked. "No. I came to see you as it happens. Izzie said you guys are off tomorrow and I was wondering if you'd like to have coffee with me?" She said. "Just a casual coffee or-?" I asked. "Oh definitely a coffee date. Ever since I first met you George I kinda haven't been able to get you off my mind and I find myself not wanting to either." She told me, coming closer. "Rea-really?" I stammered, going red. "Yes really. I can't help it, I like you. A guy like you, so sweet and kind and beautiful. I wish they were all like you." She said in almost a whisper. She likes me? A lioness likes me? And she called me beautiful. "Yes, coffee date. I'd like that." I had trouble getting my words out. "Good. You know the 'Sweet Beans' place? I'll see you there around 10 o'clock?" She said. "Yes. That's perfect. You're perfect." I blurted out. She looked up and smiled at me. When she planted a kiss on my cheek, she lingered there. "I'll see you tomorrow." She whispered when she reluctantly pulled away. "I'll see you then." I managed to get out, blissfully, savouring the memory of her lips on my skin. That kiss was going to stay with me for a very long time. That night in bed, I laid awake. I was completely unable to sleep. I kept seeing y/n, the lioness swimming in front of my eyes. Finally, after what felt like hours, the memory of her smooth, sultry voice whispering in my ear, I managed to drift off.


Me and y/n were coming out of the coffee shop but our date hadn't come to a close yet. We'd exchanged numbers not long after we sat at a table. We decided to take a walk in the nearby park where we continued to tell jokes and stories and generally getting to know each other. I simply could not take my eyes off of her. She was more than gorgeous, more than took my breath away and more than made my heart hammer hard in my chest. "I really like you, George and I know for a fact that you really like me. I've seen the way you look at me and nobody has ever looked at me the way you do. It just makes me want you more." She said softly. "You remind me of a lioness." I blurted out before I could stop myself. Oh my god George, shut the hell up! She laughed out loud. "I've been told that a lot. People often feel very intimidated by me because I can be quite predatorial." She explained. "I hope you don't mind me saying just how sexy it is." I admitted. "No way. You think it's sexy?" She asked. "Yeah. Really sexy. Damn, the way you had Alex against the locker room wall like that. So hot!" I said gaining in confidence by her promising responses. "And that expression on your face that day. He pretty much immediately regretted messing with you. And he's such a dick that it's about time he was taken way down." I told her. "I did go a little far when I threatened to slice him open if he went anywhere near Izzie." She said. "Don't feel bad about it. Knowing you, you'd be the only one with the spine to actually do it. He sometimes makes me want to slice him open myself." I replied. We continued our date well into the late afternoon, spending practically all day in each others company. When we ended our day together on her doorstep, she pulled me into a proper kiss. I asked her to call me when she had some spare time and fancied seeing me again. Her final words to me before she closed her front door were, "Don't get cold, Tiger." I just stood there reeling at the fact that she'd kissed me. She actually kissed me. I found the will to turn around and make my way back home to Meredith's. The memories of such a great day took me all the way up the front steps, through the door and sat me in the couch. What. A. Woman.

Dr George O'Malley one shots: The First Batch Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora