Part 11 Jester

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George's POV

It was just a usual day at Seattle Grace Hospital, no less busy than any other day. On my case load today was a familiar name: Jessica Mitchell and she was familiar to me because well, she was my first school crush and my suspicion was confirmed when I entered her room. "Oh my god it's George O'Malley as I live and breathe!" She cried out. "Hi Jessica." I said feeling the redness erupt on my face. She hadn't changed one jolt, she was still absolutely gorgeous. "Not going to use my old nickname?" She queried. "It's not appropriate. I'm currently on duty and you are my patient." I said shaking my head. "Spoilsport." She pouted. As it turned out she'd been in a road traffic collision, she just had minor scrapes and bruises nothing serious but she had symptoms of potential whiplash so she was having some scans done to double check. As I was checking her eyes with my flashlight, she said. "You know, you're very sexy in that uniform." She added. I shot her a scandalised expression and told her to be quiet and that she'd get me into trouble. "What? I'm stating a fact, Dr Gorgeous O'Malley." She said giggling at the look on my face. I buried my attention in the paperwork, reading and then rereading the data as to avoid looking at her. She affected me still. "You are going to look at me at some point." She stated. I forced myself to and a flood of high school memories came to me that I didn't know I still had. "You look just the same as you did in school." I let slip. She grinned at me knowingly. "It seems Dr Gorgeous O'Malley still has a crush on me." She mused and exploded into laughter until she saw my face. "Why was it always so far fetched to you?" I wanted to know. "Well, I'm not exactly the face that launched a thousand ships, O'Malley." She avered. "To some you were." I said, meaning myself. "Yeah well, 'they' were blind." She jested.  "I'm not blind, Jester." I said deliberately using her old nickname as she'd previously enquired about. "There it is! Just like old times." She said, her face splitting in a Cheshire cat grin, her exquisite eyes glittering as she peered up at me. "Come here, I want to tell you something." She requested. She beckoned me and she whispered in my ear. "I've always had a crush on you also. I never got over you." She admitted. She stared into my eyes as I looked at her in disbelief. "I wasn't joking then and I'm not joking now. I know that was a really hideous trick I played on you all those years ago but I did it because I fancied you, a lot. I was trying to get you to notice me back. I'm sorry, it was a really wicked thing to do but I've grown up quite a bit since then and I know how to express myself better now." She explained. Even as she said the words, I knew exactly what trick she was talking about. "We were kids, Jess. But I appreciate you apologising." I said. Dr Bailey appeared at the door and said they were ready to do those tests to confirm the Whiplash diagnosis. She wouldn't be leaving the hospital without at least an x-ray. "They'll be here to collect you shortly, Ms Mitchell." She said before departing. "OK. I'd better get moving. I've other patients to see and a busy rest of the shift ahead of me." I told her. Her Cheshire cat grin was back as she responded. "Better get your sexy butt moving O'Malley." She said cackling with laughter as I left the room.

Jess's POV

I did admire his rear as he left the room. He really did turn out super hot since I last saw him. He was utterly gorgeous with his soft, dark hair and his round, warm eyes. I'd always taken for granted how kind and soft his face looked. I was falling in love with his gentle smile, his tender and soothing voice even and he had such beautiful skin. But it had been such a long time since we were at school, time had changed us. Just the way he looked into my eyes like he did when he 'flashed' me, sent shivers down my spine and the light touches of his skin on me set my own skin on fire. I could only imagine what his kiss would be like, how he'd feel with his body pressed up against my own or how he'd whisper sweet-nothings in my ear and make my skin tingle all over. The tests that Dr Bailey had ordered me for didn't take very long at all and they did indeed confirm I had whiplash. All the while having the tests done, I kept thinking of George and wondered how much he liked me now we were older and if he'd moved on. Did he already have a special someone in his life? I secretly hoped all these years that one day I'd be that special someone for him. But did I stand a chance? I was pretty sure there were plenty of beautiful women that George worked with that he had his eye on. It felt like forever had passed when George re-entered the room with my test results. "Hey Jester, I got your results here." I grinned when he called me by my old nickname again. Hearing him say it specifically, thrilled me. He confirmed to me that it was indeed whiplash. He advised that I was very lucky and that I needed rest and strong painkillers. "Also a special neck pillow will help you sleep with it. Hot or cold compress should also help with the pain and you should make a full recovery withing about 2 to 3 months. Luckily it's only very minor so it may not even take that long." He told me. "OK. Pity you can't kiss it better, George." I said flirtatiously. I couldn't help myself. He blushed again at the image I'd planted in his mind and he wouldn't look at me. I giggled at his expression. "You can't blame me for flirting, George." I stated. All it did was make him all the more adorably flustered and I revelled in it. I grinned at the fact that I could get him in such a state, at the effect I still had on him even now. "And I wouldn't mind in the slightest if you flirted back." I added. His eyes snapped onto mine finally. "It's more than my job's worth!" He hushed. "It can't be if you're discharging me." I said biting my lip with a mock innocence in my eyes. "You're unbelievable!" He said fighting back a smile. "You love it." I teased him. "I am going to fetch your discharge form so you can go home." He countered and left the room, leaving me to grin after him, my eyes flickering to his backside again. He wasn't gone long and as promised, he had the necessary paperwork that would let me out of there. He filled out his bit then, handed me his pen for me to do the rest. I felt his eyes on me as I tried to focus on the task. As soon as I was done and handed the pen and paperwork back to him, he darted his eyes away from mine. "Can you give me a kiss yet?" I asked him. Without even thinking about it, he did just that. When he pulled away I grinned even wider than was humanly possible. "Mmmm, I feel better already, Dr." I said in a sultry voice. "I'd better hope that nobody saw that!" He whispered, looking around nervously. "Come round my house when you're finished here and nobody will see you kiss me all you want." I said. And I told him my address. I got to my feet and after he left to answer his pager. Once again I checked him out as he exited the room. I called for a taxi and made for home where I didn't have to wait too long before his lips were on mine again but without the prying eyes of the hospital.

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