Part 17 Realisation

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Dr O'Malley was really getting on my nerves recently. I don't think he means any of it, he just annoys me. With Dr Karev, he does it deliberately just to piss you off but O'Malley doesn't even realise he's doing it. Wherever I am, he's hanging around like an awful stench that won't disappate. He's a nice guy sure enough but he just annoys me. I can't explain why or put my finger on the reason he just does. Everywhere I looked, he'd be there nearby and I was really starting to resent him for it. I realise we work in the same hospital but it's a really big hospital! "Why do I get the sense that you don't like me very much?" He asked me one evening as the shift was coming to a close. "What gives you that idea?" I countered without looking at him. "For a start you flatly refuse to even look at me. And you're always sending me a death glare at the slightest opportunity, and you recoil whenever I'm this close to you." He explained. "I just wish I understood what your problem is so we can move past it but let me say this: I'm not that bad a guy. I'm nice. I'm respectful. I'm not an asshole like Karev. Please y/n. I want to sort this out whatever this is. You have to work with me and I'd prefer it if you can find a way to get on with me." I made myself look into his idiot face at these words. "Look. You know when you meet someone or see someone for the first time and you instantly take a liking or disliking to that person? That's what this is. It's nothing personal. It's nothing against you particularly it's just one of those things. You've done absolutely nothing wrong, I acknowledge that. You are not at fault but we are obviously not supposed to be friends. I'm sorry O'Malley but that's the way it is." I told him before resuming my work. At least he knew where he stood now. It wasn't until the following day that Dr Stevens cornered me in the locker rooms. Luckily she'd waited until I was in my scrubs. "Hello Dr Stevens what can I do for you?" I asked nonchalantly. "Hi Dr y/l/n. I wanted a girly chit chat before we started shift today. About George O'Malley." She began. At the very mention of his name, my nostrils flared. "Well, whatever you're going to say about him is neither any of your business or is it anything for you to worry your empty little head of yours. Now excuse me, I have a job to do." She blocked me from exiting the room. "I'm not done and you are going to hear me out. You don't know George but I do. So I know that he likes you and you have crushed him so badly. He's a really sweet and sensitive guy, y/n. He's one of the good ones. He's decent." She went on. "Then why don't you date him? I'm not interested in even being civil to him, as far as I care he can stay well away from me. Now move before I hurt you!" I snarled before violently shoving her out of my way. I turned to O'Malley who was also in the room. "And you! If you ever talk to people about me like that again I'll frikking kill you! So stay away from me!" I fumed at him before wrenching open the door and slamming it behind me. I went to my usual registry point with my own mentor and waited for my other fellow interns to join me. This mornings locker room incident left me seething for the rest of the shift but thankfully I was able to mask it and assume calmness enough to do my work and not risk being sent home.

George's POV

I did my best to keep my distance away from y/n which was difficult as I felt so drawn to her. She wouldn't even acknowledge me after what happened this morning. I had to admit I liked her even more because of her fiery temper. I never knew she had that fiesty side to her. I found it very sexy but I couldn't think about that. Karev was however absolutely convinced that she did in fact feel the same way as I did for her, she just didn't want to admit it, not even to herself. I asked Meredith about it. "Do you think she secretly likes me?" She looked at me. "Alex gave you that idea?" She wanted to know and I nodded. "I'm not sure. I don't know how her mind works." She told me. "It's possible I suppose but whatever you do, don't get your hopes up and certainly don't disrespect or disregard her wishes. You heard her this morning. She's majorly pissed at you. I'd leave her be and let her come to you if that's what she's gonna do. At least let her cool off. She was like a volcano in there." She said gesturing to the locker room. I nodded. "I'd best hope the next time she sees me she's not holding a scalpel." I said. "Or a bone saw knowing her." Said Meredith. "Thanks for that Mer." I retorted.


All I wanted to do was to put things right but the image of y/n chasing me out the hospital with a frikking bone saw chilled me to the core. She'd more than likely use it to cut off something extremely important and use it as a Hallowe'en decoration. 'Thanks for the nightmares, Meredith.' I thought meekly. But why did y/n dislike me so much? It couldn't really be a simple case of an instant thing like she'd said, was it? Was there more to it than that like Karev had predicted? I didn't think I was going to get a straight explanation.

Y/n's POV

The longer the shift went on, the more miserable I became. And when I came to going home, I couldn't get out of the building quick enough. The last thing I wanted was to see O'Malley again. That night I sat alone trying to watch something on TV, I didn't pay much attention as to what it actually was. I was much too distracted. I didn't just dislike him as it turned out. The more I sat and let my mind procrastinate about him, the more I came to realise something. Everything Dr Stevens said about who George really was, was actually spot on. He was everything she'd described him as. And what he'd said when we first spoke of this situation was also right. But something that I'd failed to acknowledge and that was the fact that he liked me. Maybe at the time she told me this morning, it just didn't register because I didn't want to hear it. But looking backwards to what was said, she was right. O'Malley was one of the good, decent guys out there and he liked me for whatever reason. Then it struck me for the first time. How could I have been so foolish as to mistake having a crush on someone with having a dislike for them? How could I have been so stupid? "I am SUCH a moron!" I said out loud. I couldn't stop the angry and painful tears from flowing anymore. "What have I done?!" I despaired. I impulsively picked up my cell and called Meredith.

Meredith: Hello?
Me: Meredith it's y/n.
Meredith: y/n? Are you alright?
Me: Um no. Can you please ask George if he's willing to to come out and meet me? I really need to speak to him.
Meredith: yeah sure I'll ask.
*background conversation*
Meredith: Hey, George it's y/n on the phone. She wants to know if you're willing to go out and meet her.
George: It's y/n? Would she speak to me on the phone?

Meredith asked me this and I agreed.
George: Hey, y/n. What a surprise.
Me: Yeah. I'm so sorry for the confusion but I need to see you. Now.
George: OK yeah, where do you want to meet?
Me: Would the park be alright? See you in around 10 minutes?
George: Yeah, I'll see you there. *End of call*

I grabbed my coat and the bottle of wine I needed for Dutch courage and bolted out the door. I was sat on one of the benches with my wine in hand a few minutes later. Under 10 minutes passed and I looked up to see George walking towards me. "Thanks for agreeing to see me after how badly I treated you." I told him. He nodded cautiously. "What's this all about, y/n?" He asked gently. He sat down beside me. "Very true I haven't been very straightforward have I? Tonight I realised something." I began and he waited for me to continue. I swigged more wine to spur me on. "I realised what I felt for you wasn't dislike at all. It was something else that I mistook for dislike." I drank more wine. "I feel for you as you feel for me, George. I just didn't realise it at the time." I said, unable to stop myself from crying again. "I feel terrible. That I've hurt you. I've hurt myself. I feel so bad. And I'm scared that I'm too late and that I've pushed you away from me because I'm such a stupid moron!" I explained. He placed his arm around me and pulled me to him. "You're not a stupid moron, y/n. Yes you've made a giant mistake. But there's no real harm done. And you haven't pushed me away from you. There's no getting rid of me that easily." He said kindly in the softest, gentlest voice. "Look at me. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, not if you don't want me to. But what made you see the light?" He asked. "A part of me heard what Dr Stevens said in the locker room this morning. Something you both told me actually. I didn't want to hear it at the time because I was so angry. But the more it played on my mind, the more it clicked into place. I realised just how much I like you. And I'm so sorry." I said. He reached for my hair and tucked it behind my ear. "I forgive you. Now please may I give you a kiss?" He asked. I laughed weakly and nodded. How could I have been so wrong about him?

Dr George O'Malley one shots: The First Batch Where stories live. Discover now