Part 9 Magnets

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"OK, OK. I have a thing for Dr O'Malley, you happy now!?" I hissed at my work bestie who had been pestering me to no end about my incurable crush. Suddenly her eyes went wide as she peered over my shoulder. "Oh! He's right behind me isn't he?" I guessed. "I'm sorry! I didn't realise until you said the words!" She back pedalled. "What sort of thing are we talking about here?" Speak of the devil himself. His gentle, warm voice was like melted chocolate. "I heard my name being mentioned and my ears are burning." He added as I refused to turn around despite feeling his round eyed gaze on me. "It's nothing, Dr O'Malley, really." I told him death glaring at my work bestie with a look that quite plainly said 'I'll deal with you later!' before walking off away from the heat of the situation.

George's POV

Y/n's friend held her hands up and raised her eyebrows as if to say 'Don't ask.' Before she too went off to continue her work. My heart was still hammering from the second y/n mentioned my name. Sure I fancied her, but it was the first I'd heard her even slip my name out whatsoever. Did she like me the way I liked her? I grinned stupidly at the thought before I was interrupted by my pager. Here we go again.

Y/n's POV

I was checking a patient's paperwork while they slept when who should enter the room but Dr O'Malley. "What was all that about earlier?" He whispered. "I can't talk about it now, I'm with a patient." I reminded him quietly. He nodded and wandered back out again. Later in the shift I began to feel like that Dr O'Malley was following me everywhere or at least wherever I was, he'd turn up shortly after. In the cafeteria I sat by myself reading a book for me to look up and see him smirking at me. In the theatre observation gallery sat behind me with his head practically on my shoulder. And finally at the end of the shift in the locker room when he was finally able to corner me. "So about what I overheard today. What was that thing you mentioned?" He asked quietly. I sighed heavily. "Let me level with you here. I have a crush on you, y/n and I think you're crushing on me too. Correct me if I'm wrong but the way you reacted when you knew that I'd overheard you, I'd say I'm on the right track at least." He said. "If I'm wrong tell me." He went on. "You're not wrong." I said more abruptly than I meant to. He smiled his heartbreaking smile. "I didn't think so. But I don't understand why you're so pissed." He said, leaning up against my locker door and crossing his arms. He wasn't going to let me go until he got his answers. "I'm pissed because you found out. Because I'm incredibly stupid for caving in to y/f/n's demand for truth. Because I was hoping that it was just a crush and nothing else and would eventually disappear if I gave it time. Because, because because!" I said, my temper rising but keeping my voice deathly quiet.

George's POV

I was surprised by y/n's temper. She was usually so level headed. She wasn't pissed at me at all like I first thought. She was annoyed at herself. "Look, don't be upset. I recognise that you don't want to have any feelings for me and you have your reasons as to why but for what it's worth, I'm not a bad guy to have those feelings for." I told her. "If it's insecurity or past experiences, whatever it is I'm not like those guys. I'm different." I added hoping for a more positive response. "And if I let you prove that but you end up proving me right what then? Hmmm?" She said. I understood the conflict she must've felt about liking someone again and I wanted to turn that around and make sure she never felt that conflict again. "Please at least think about giving me a chance. Let me prove to you that I'm not like those guys, that I'm different." I implored. She finally made eye contact with me and stared into my eyes thoughtfully. "Be my friend first, then we'll see. Get to know my mind before you get to know my heart. Prove that I'm worth it." She requested. This was more than fair. Admittedly I hardly knew her so I couldn't blame her for requesting such a thing. Plus I wanted to prove myself to her, I couldn't deny her that. Her frostiness warmed and softened a little the more she looked into my eyes. She allowed a slight  smile before asking me to excuse her. This was all the answers she was willing to give at the moment and I was happy with that.

Y/n's POV

We left the hospital together a few minutes later and was on my home. I'd said I'd see Dr O'Malley the following morning but he wanted to prove himself to me straight away and offered to walk me home. I commended his eagerness and so I agreed. "I'm sorry about my attitude towards you. It wasn't aimed at you particularly. Just my previous romantic situations and my will to crumble so easily. None of it is your fault, I hope you know that." I told him kindly. "Oh yeah I know. I thought it might be to do with whatever happened to you in the past. But you don't have to be afraid anymore." He said. Once again, he was absolutely spot on. He seemed to know exactly what was what. "You're very intuitive, aren't you Dr O'Malley?" I voiced an observation. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Everything you've said about my past experiences and the way you seem to pick up on how it's made me feel, you've been spot on so far. I can't help but think that maybe you've gone through the same thing." He looked at me while registering this. "Yeah, I guess I am intuitive as you say. And yeah I have experienced the same kind of situation before. I understand the conflict that you feel about opening up your heart again and fighting against what your head is warning you about. Yeah, I do completely get it." He confessed. "That's why I'm willing to prove myself to you so much. I want to earn the right to be yours." His words caught me in the chest like a train. "This is me." I said as we approached my front door. "Oh. Yes. Already." He stammered. He clearly wanted more time. We both did. "Thankyou for walking me home. So, I'll see you in the morning." I said, squeezing his hand gently. "That you will and it was absolutely my pleasure. Goodnight y/n." He said. "Goodnight George." I replied with a grin. He waved and watched me go indoors and lock up behind me. I heaved a great sigh and could think of nothing else but of Dr George O'Malley.

Dr George O'Malley one shots: The First Batch Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat