Part 6 Dulldrums P2

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Y/n's POV

I got a text from Carl at the end of my shift asking me to meet him outside the hospital. I agreed on the condition that he promised to respect anything I had to say to him. I gave George a look of dread as I left the locker room as he was just going in. "Hey, what's up?" He asked. "Carl's here. I better see what he wants." I explained. He told me it would be alright and for me to be strong before I made my way for the hospital doors. Carl was pacing up and down thinking hard. When he looked up and saw me, he strode up to me before he spoke. "Look, I'm really sorry about the other night. I know you wouldn't cheat on me. You never could. I'm so sorry I scared you. Can you forgive me?" Carl said. "I don't know Carl. You shook me up pretty bad. Maybe you've got a lot of making up to do. But I swear to god if you frighten me like that again we can't even be friends anymore. That's it, you make me feel like that again and you are no longer a friend do you hear me?!" I seethed. His face turned sour. He obviously thought we were getting back together. "Friends? You are not just a friend to me, y/n, you're my girlfriend." He spat. "Not anymore I'm not. I told you that night before you turned on me and terrified the crap out of me that I want to break things. I wanted to end it with you because I was no longer happy. And it wasn't anything that you had done. You've done nothing. It's just with your job and my job we no longer get to see each other much anymore. You're so busy at work and so am I. We're on completely different paths now and we always were from the start. This isn't anybody's fault. It's just circumstances. It's simply the way that it is." I explained. "Look, you can't make me happy anymore and that's not your fault. And it's OK. But the more you continue to deny it and drag this out the worse it'll be for us both. Just please. Accept that we're over." I went on when his face said it all. His eyes watered, nodded silently without looking at me and he walked away. Coming out of the hospital behind me, was George. He must've witnessed all of that. "You've done the right thing." He said tenderly. "I know. But most importantly he knows it now." I said. "Can you take me home, please George? I don't feel like being on my own right now." I asked. He nodded and he offered me his arm. He seemed to look taller and broader as if he wanted to make me feel protected and safe. His Chivalry made me smile slightly and I began to feel better, like I always did whenever George was around me. The truth is that it was he, Dr George O'Malley that I had fallen for and I loved the fact that he was totally clueless. I found everything about him incredibly endearing especially the fact that he didn't naturally assume the other guy was infact himself. I loved his soft and kind face, his tender, round eyes and his warm, bright smile. And the sound of his soothing, sweet voice and how he spoke to me. The way he made me laugh and made these past few months more bearable. And the way he made me feel like myself again. But there was no way that he could feel the same about me, he was into Dr Stevens or so I heard it. I mean who could blame him? She was blonde, sassy and very beautiful. Compared to her, I never stood a chance. That was what brought me back to the dulldrums even more. George O'Malley was just simply perfect exactly as he is and I adored him.

When we reached my front door I hesitated. "Would you like to come in?" I blurted out. "I'd love to if that's what you want." He said. "I do. Very much." I said. He nodded smiling and followed me through the door. He looked around. "This place is yours?" He asked, his eyes wide. "Yeah. My grandparents gave it to me in their will. They adopted me when I was 3 after my mom died and my dad disappeared without a trace. He was never found." I explained. "So what after your mom died he just took off?" George asked. "Yeah, that's how my Nan and Grandad explained it. I preferred to be told straight rather than be lied to or be skirted around the issue. I'd rather get to the centre of the matter." I explained further. "I'm so sorry to hear you've had to face all of that." He said gently. "I didn't have to face it all alone at least. And everything I've faced since we've gotten close, you have made it more bearable." I told him. "I'm glad I can be there for you." He said in a tone that made me melt. "Can I get you something to drink? I'm just thinking of making one." I asked after a moment of silence. I made him his chosen drink and George was the first to break the silence that followed. "So, who's this other guy you've got you're eye on if you don't mind me asking?" He was going to find out sooner or later but at the moment was now the right time to tell him the truth? He may as well know now. "Well, it's someone I've fancied for a while and I doubt very much that he'll ever feel the same not when he has feelings for one of his closer colleagues." I rambled. I blushed scarlet when his eyes met mine but he waited for me to continue. I couldn't bring myself to say the words, but what I did next shocked the pair of us. I grasped the back of his neck and crashed my lips onto his. At first he didn't respond out of surprise but then he melted into me. I was kissing him and he was kissing me back. I broke away reluctantly and was suddenly terrified by how he'd react. He smiled softly and tenderly, the smile I'd fallen for. "I had no idea." He whispered. "I couldn't say the words out loud. I had to show you instead." I confessed. "May I show you that I feel utterly the same?" I was delighted to hear him say it. I nodded, hardly containing myself. He kissed me passionately and unlike anyone has ever kissed me before. Needless to say my dulldrums were now officially well and truly done.

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