27 | Letter

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Moon has just been casually distant with me. We haven't been talking but he didn't ignore me either. We still said hi and goodnight but other than that it felt weird.

It wasn't easy trying to talk to Moon knowing he was always closed off and sensitive so I decided to write him a letter. A letter explaining every bit of what he maybe be questioning about.

Dear Moon,
It's been a while since we really talked. It feels lonely even though we live together. I know this whole situation between us been kind of a scramble and I am sorry if I made you feel like you were being used for comfort or to get over Dae. When you first moved in here in some ways I felt something with you. Not in a way as it was when we were kids but in a way where I felt happily secured. You knew how to move around in our home and take part. Cooking, washing dishes, and connecting with me. It was like a roomie I could never have any complains about. I always knew there was something special about you. I just tried to not make my emotions get in the way knowing your practically family. You were someone I didn't need to second guess, it's like you get me all the time even though it seemed like you didn't. All I'm trying to say is that I really do like you Moon. I don't want anything to get in the way with that. I've closed things off with Dae today and I gotten the closure I needed. And now all I want is you because I choose you. Please don't let go, I'm here always.
Love Jack

I left the letter on top of the front counter at the kitchen so he could see it once he comes through the door. But I really hope things get better between us. Dae was just a lesson and I know Moon will be the blessing.

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