12 | Lies

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The next morning Dae texted me.

~ t e x t  m e s s a g e ~

"Sorry I forgot to call or text you after leaving school?" - Dae

"I just wanted to get out of there before Louise could find me." - Dae

I looked at the text and thought maybe he is being honest and actually wanted to get out of there but at the same  time if he really wanted to text or call me.....he would have.

I didn't open the text yet but just looked at it through my notifications. Taking a deep breath I put my phone down and leave him with no response. Replying to him makes me seem clingy or attached to the fact that he didn't text me back so I just let it go.

Changing into my black leggings and beige sweater, along with my black & white sneakers. I head off to a café and do some homework. On the weekends I try my best to not stay home all day since I do get tempted to binge eat more, so I try to spend more of my time outside or maybe go for a drive. 

Heading into my car I hear someone call my name.

"Jackielyn!" someone screams - unknown

I slowly step out of my car to see who is calling me and it's Dae. What a coincidence for us to see each other. Acting surprised sarcastically and pretending I didn't see anything yesterday night.

"Dae....what are u doing here?" - Jackielyn

"I went to your apartment but no one wasn't answering, you also didn't answer my text." he says a bit out of breath - Dae

"Sorry my phone was on mute, was it something important?" - Jackielyn

"Yah I just wanted to tell you how I'm sorry I didn't text/call you back after the rush off." - Dae

"It's okay, where did you go afterwards?" I said curious to find out if he is gonna say the truth - Jackielyn

When I looked at him I could sense how he feels, the 5 second silence, the scratching on the back of his neck, the licking lips, and oh how can I forget the small hickey on his neck. 

"Oh....I...I...went to do some grocery shopping at whole foods, empty fridge." he chuckles - Dae

That nervous weird laugh says it all.

"Interesting....." - Jackielyn 

"What happen to your neck, you have a little bruise on there." curiously I ask, even though I knew where it came from - Jackielyn

"Oh this was just from straightening my hair yesterday, I was trying a new hairstyle and burned myself." - Dae

I am so done with this guys lies.....

"Stop lying Dae." I said straight up - Jackielyn

"What are you talking about?" - Dae

"I wasn't born yesterday Dae, I can't believe your here lying to my face about where you went after school. I don't care what you did but all I want you to be is honest with me." - Jackielyn

"I'm so confused with what your sa..." - Dae

" I saw you yesterday night hooking up with the girl." interrupting him I said fast - Jackielyn 

Dae was shocked, he froze for a couple seconds. Not knowing what to do. 

"Okay look, the reason why I hooked up with another girl is so Louise wouldn't know that you and me are in some type of thing." - Dae

"Are you fucking kidding me Dae, am I a joke to you. I'm not someone your confused about but you not knowing what you want." slowly getting into my car I said. - Jackielyn

"I didn't want you to be in trouble because we are hanging out so often, I care about you." holding the door he said. - Dae

"If you really cared about me you would've handle this situation of yours with Louise a lot better then hooking up with some girl because your horny." I said removing his hand off the door. - Jackielyn

He looked at me with nothing left to say, looking ashamed and upset.

"Look I don't wanna see you right now Dae, figure out your situation first and then try to understand why I'm distancing myself from you right now. Bye I said closing my door and driving off.

I can't believe he lied to my face like that. After ever good part that I saw in him when I met him, it all changed my mind to think if he lied with that too.

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