18 | Breakfast

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It was finally the day when Moon arrives to Canada. I woke up around 7:45 am feeling anxious and nervous. Putting on my slippers I start to clean around my apartment. I've done some cleaning yesterday and the day after that but I just wanted to double check that my home is presented nicely to Moon. Tita Binna calls me and says "We will be there in an hour or so, get ready." So I made sure to fix my bed, clean myself up, wear something nice, and put a little bit of makeup. After doing all that I decided to make breakfast for them so when they come here they have something to eat. 

Heating up my pan and putting in some olive oil, I add in 2 eggs and cook them sun side up. I also cooked some pancakes using a premade pancake mix, just adding milk and chocolate chips in them. After cooking breakfast I wash my dishes right away and sat down on my couch to watch Spider-Man far from home. I recently been getting caught up with all the Spider-Man movies for the last month or two after the recent one came out and it's actually pretty interesting. 

20 mins later........

Hearing a knock on the door my eyes instantly widen, I was about to look at the peak hole but I just decided to make it a surprise for myself. Opening the door I see Tita Binna and Moon......He isn't shorter than me anymore, or have a bob cut either. Looking at Moon he looks like he works out, he has short curly curtain hair, and his height is almost as tall as my door. My mind can't get a grip. Moon looks at me in shock also but I don't think he's thinking the same way as I am, analyzing. 

"Hello Jackie. Mmm what's that delicious smell?" she says walking in and putting Moon's suitcase on the side. - Tita Binna

"Heyy.....Oh I cooked some breakfast for you guys, come here. Hey Moon." I say opening the door and pointing to the kitchen counter. - Jackielyn

"Heyy Jack. I can't believe it's you, it's been so long." he says walking his way in. - Moon

"Yup it's me and I know it's been so long. Are you hungry I made breakfast?" - Jackielyn

"Well thank you for letting me stay. I am quite hungry after the flight, looks goood." - Moon

Moon and Tita Binna starts to sit down in the dining area. Grabbing some plates in the cabinets and forks. The Moon suddenly stands up and comes towards me.

"Jack I'll get those, sit down I got this. You already made breakfast it's the least I could do." he says reaching grabbing the plates. - Moon

"Ok thanks." shyly I said walking my way beside Tita Binna and sitting next to her. - Jackielyn

"Are you a gentleman Moon?" jokingly she says winking at me. - Tita Binna

"엄마 (Eomma)! I am." looking at Tita Binna he says - Moon

"I'm kidding, he is. (whispering) when he likes someone." laughing she says - Tita Binna

"Your funny Tita." nervously laughing I said. - Jackielyn

Moon sets the plates on the table as well as the forks. He sits across from me and he offers to say grace together. We all held hands with our eyes closes. Why do I feel weird holding Moon's hand. Quickly detaching my hand from Moon once grace is done. 

"Let's eat!" smiling I said - Jackielyn

"These are really good Jackie, right Moon." - Tita Binna

"They sure are yummy." looking at me he says. - Moon

After breakfast a couple mins later Tita Binna falls asleep on the couch and I look at Moon.

"Is your mom still watching or she is asleep." I said washing the dishes while Moon cleans up the table. - Jackielyn

"She's asleep. My mom falls asleep in seconds." he chuckles. - Moon

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