10 | Crush

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I just came back from work and I'm walking my way into my room to change. As I was putting on a clean shirt I heard a knock on my door. I slowly approach my way to the door curious who could it be. Thinking why would someone be knocking at my door at 8pm? So I looked at the peek hole and it's Dae. I opened the door and I see his face in shock.

"I have to tell you something." - Dae

I quickly ran to my room and put on some pants before I sat down in my living room coach with Dae. He looks like he's saw a ghost that didn't know where it's going. 

"Do you wants some tea before....." - Jackielyn

"Yes please." - Dae

I stand up and walked my way to the kitchen boiling some hot water and preparing two cups with two tea bags in it. I was very curious why Dae could have just called or texted me, I guess this is something serious. After the water has boiled I poured it into the cups and brought it towards day. I sat down holding my cup as Dae is hold his.

"I just found out something I didn't expect. You know Louise my best friend right?" -Dae

"Yah what about her?" - Jackielyn 

"Well she told me earlier when I met up with her after school at the bench that she likes me." he says sipping tea. - Dae

I'm in shock sipping my tea also. I didn't really expect that but I mean girl and guy friends always end up having the other liking the other.

"Wow.......I didn't expect her to like you like that. I thought you guys are buddies." - Jackielyn

"I thought the same but I guess not. She said she's been feeling like this since grade 11." - Dae

"So what are you going to do now?"- Jackielyn

"I honestly have no clue, I mean nothing should be different right?" - Dae

I looked at Dae like "seriously man". I mean I hope Louise doesn't hate me in any way because me and Dae are hanging here and there.

"I mean it wasn't any different when she didn't tell you right?" - Jackielyn

"I don't think so, but I do remember Louise saying she likes me at a party we went together last year but I guess she was just drunk." - Dae

"I'm pretty sure that was already a red flag that she had a crush on you." - Jackielyn

"I know. I was just clueless because she is my best friend." - Dae

Me and Dae sat there on my coach in silence sipping our tea. That was an unexpected conversation. Maybe that's why I felt a bit weird when I first met her like I was interrupting her "moment" with Dae

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