Part 1 Peagirl

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I was a cook in the cafeteria of Seattle Grace Hospital and regularly saw an array of hospital staff, mainly of the medical sector. One however had caught my eye from my very first day. He was one of the interns of Dr Bailey and I found him very attractive. Today I was on Pea duty behind the hot counter and there he was waiting in line. "Just a small serving of peas for me, please." He requested. He barely looked at me but offered a polite smile that made his handsome face appear all the softer and kinder. He made eye contact with me and his eyes twinkled as he said it was perfect and thanked me before moving on. His name was Dr O'Malley but even now after over 4 months of me working here, I still didn't know his first name. His dark hair accentuated his soft, kind, face perfectly and his eyes never failed to carry a certain warm glow regardless of whoever he spoke to. His voice was warm and soothing- my thoughts were interrupted by a conversation at the table shared by his fellow interns. Dr's Grey, Karev and Yang were all sat together talking as Dr O'Malley joined them. "You know the girl over there, I reckon she has a crush on you, George." Dr Yang was saying. So that was his name. "A, Which one? And B yeah right." Dr O'Malley replied. "The pea girl." Dr Grey said and as the 4 of them turned to look at me, I made myself look busy by taking out the heavy empty pot and made way for my colleague to replace it with a fresh batch. "She's cute." Dr Karev said. "What's a girl like this doing a job like that for?" Dr Grey said. With a heavy sigh Dr Stevens entered the cafeteria and plonked herself down in the remaining vacant seat at their table. "What you talking about?" She asked exasperatedly. "George has an admirer-" Dr Karev began but Dr O'Malley cut him off. "I doubt it. Ignore them, Izzie, they're just winding me up."

By the time the lunch rush was over and the majority of staff got back to work, I was still stuck on pea duty and the Bailey crew were still at their table badgering Dr O'Malley about me. My boss said it was time for my break now as the rush was now over. I took off my kitchen gloves and disposed of them before also removing my cooks cap and stuffed it in the pocket of apron and made a coffee. "Hey, Peagirl, come sit with us." called a voice as I beelined the kitchen staff area. I turned to see Dr Grey leant over the counter calling for me. "Yeah, hi. Come join us." She urged. "Come on, leave the poor girl alone, Meredith." Dr O'Malley said. Dr Grey briefly turned to shush him then turned back to me. "Are you sure?" I asked slowly. Dr O'Malley caught my eye as I spoke and I saw a different kind of light in his eyes: was it hope? "Yeah! Sure. Come on over." Dr Stevens said who was now copying Dr Grey. I nodded with a slightly uneasy grin. "Give me a minute." I said and fetched my coffee and my own lunch. When I returned to the cafeteria, a chair had already been made available, a chair that was between Dr O'Malley and Dr Stevens. "So, Peagirl, tell us a bit about yourself?" Dr Grey started. "Well, my name is y/n, I'm y/a and I moved to Seattle from Boston after both my parents were murdered. I've been working here for about 4 months now and it keeps me busy and out of trouble. Not that I'm a troublemaker but you know what I mean." I rambled. "Wait your parents were murdered? I'm so sorry. I can't imagine that." Dr Yang said. "Yeah, well. Coming to Seattle was the best decision I ever made. I had to leave all that behind me, get away from there. Start a fresh." I said. "Wow, you are so brave." Dr O'Malley said. "Thankyou. The rest of my family have accused me of being a coward for 'running away'. I did wonder whether they were right." I told them. "You're no coward, y/n. Absolutely no way." Dr Karev said seriously. "OK, change in topic. What are your future plans?" Asked Dr Grey. I smiled gratefully. "Well, I haven't really thought about what I want to do career-wise yet. I don't have very many hobbies. I'm quite honestly very boring." I explained.

More time and chatting went by when suddenly Dr Stevens realised what the time was and they were a bit late heading back to work. If they'd left it any longer Dr Bailey herself would've come to find them. As the rest of them departed the cafeteria, Dr O'Malley lingered. "When are you next off?" He asked. I looked into the face I'd fancied the pants off for months. "Um, tomorrow. Why?" I said. "Because I'd like to ask you out for a drink." I blushed at this. "Yes. That would be very nice. I'd like that." I told the truth. "Great so, you know the bar across the street? I'll meet you in there at around 6?" He asked. "Alright. 6 it is." I agreed and he departed with a grin and a lingering look in my direction.

6pm the following evening arrived and I was inside the bar fighting back my nerves. I'd never been on an actual date before and I was a little terrified. My hair was in a halfway and trailed all the way down to my waist. I wore just a pair of jeans and a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt with a pair of ankle boots. I didn't bother with any makeup as it doesn't appeal to me. If anybody was to like me, I'd prefer them to like me as I am. "Wow!" Said a soft voice to the side of me. "Hi, Dr O'Malley." I said. He blinked before answered. "Please call me George." He said, unable to keep his eyes off me. He ordered our first drinks of the night and we sat down at a table just the two of us. "Oh my god." "She isn't just cute, she's absolutely gorgeous." "I didn't realise how long her hair was!" The rest of the Bailey crew were here also. "Did you by any chance hear us talking about you at lunch yesterday?" George asked. "Yeah, I kinda did, I'm not going to lie." I didn't see the point in trying to deny it. Their table was so close to the hot counter. "I'm sorry about that. As you heard, my esteemed colleagues were under the impression that you have a crush on me." He stated. "Oh, yeah I do. Since the first day I started in the cafeteria." I admitted, my face turning beetroot. "Oh. I'm sorry if you heard me dismiss that. I'm not used to people being attracted to me." He said. I took a swig of my drink before I responded. "No don't worry about it. I'm not used to it either. This would be my first ever date." I confessed further still. "What? Come on. You've never been on a date before?" I shook my head. "Nobody has ever caught my eye before." We both laughed at this. "It's true." I confirmed. After what seemed like no time had passed at all we got to know each other. "OK er, favourite colours, foods, places..." He quizzed. "Teal and Purple. Anything lamb related, Yosemite and any other foresty woodland you can possibly think of. How about you?" I answered. He told me. "Bucket list." He prompted. "To be driven in a Christmas Coca-Cola truck, to go deep sea sub diving, to see Stevie Nicks live in Concert and to visit London including Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey." I told him. "Wow. That's quite a list. What's poet's corner?" he asked. "It's inside Westminster Abbey where some of the most famous and respected poets, writers and playwrights are memorialised or buried and when I say famous I'm talking about White House famous. I'm talking Shakespeare, Chaucer, Kipling, Austin, The Bronte's, Dickens to name a few." I explained. "They're actually buried there?" he wondered. "Yeah they are. You'd have to have a pretty prestigious reputation to end up buried there that's for sure."

We chatted and joked the whole entire time we were there and soon we were heading out to get something to eat. I gave the other interns a wave in passing on the way out. "What do you fancy to eat?" I asked. "There's a really great Curry house down the road." he suggested. "I'm game." I stated. After we ate we decided to head home. "Tonight was such a great night. Thankyou for asking me." I said as we reached my front door. "It was my pleasure and I'd really love to do it again because I have a really big crush on you too." He said. We shared a goodnight kiss on my front doorstep and reluctantly finished the evening. Corny but I'm gonna say it: I felt like the happiest girl ever.

Dr George O'Malley one shots: The First Batch Where stories live. Discover now