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"Let's never do that again." Viktor spoke as we all exited the tunnel.

"What, narrowly escape the apocalypse?" Five questioned.

"It's kind of our thing, isn't it?"

"There's something very wrong about that." Allison spoke looking to the buffalo ass.

"Same suite, just ass-backward." Lila spoke.

"No hyperbole there."

"This is some weird shit." I chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, some hardcore Alice in Wonderland shit." Ben agreed.

"Yeah, it only gets weirder."

Hearing panting behind us we all turned to see Reginald with no Klaus. 

"At last, the other side." He gasped.

"Where the fuck is Klaus, old man?" I yelled slightly as I saw him close the door.

"Children," He sighed making my face drop. "I'm sorry, but your brother... I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time. The Kugelblitz has claimed its last victim."

"No, he was right behind me when I entered the tunnel." Five spoke. "Right behind Y/n."

"Yep, he was directly behind me what did you do to him?" I spat walking closer to Reginald. "We need to go back."

"There's nothing to go back to." Reginald sighed looking down at me. "Children, there will be time for tears later. Right now, we have to keep moving."

"No, fuck you! This is your fault." I yelled pressing my finger against Reginalds chest.

"Calm, child. Rest." He sighed as Five and Viktor escorted me to the elevator with the rest.


Ben's POV

As I paced hotel oblivion I decided i'd sit down for a few minutes to calm down but instead I fell asleep and had the strangest dream.

Flashback 2005

"Y/n! What book are you reading?" I questioned looking over to a girl who was sitting at the opposite end of me at another couch.

"Anne of green gables." She smiled looking up from her book and showing me the cover. "You?"

"To kill a mockingbird." I smiled back. "I've only just started it."

"I should read it one day."

"Why do I keep having such vivid dreams of the umbrella academy?" I sighed as I woke up.


Back to normal POV

"It's magnificent." Reginald spoke as we exited the elevator into the main lobby.

"You guys should've stayed here." Ben spoke also admiring the place. "This place is way nicer."

"Lila and I barely got out alive last time. Remember?" Diego spoke.

"But I'm here this time, and the numbers are in our favour." Ben spoke in a rather proud tone.

"That's nice, Ben. We're still gonna die." I spat.

"Well, whatever it was that went after us, it was strong, fast, and super pissed." Lila spoke trying to break the intense staring contest between Ben and I.

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