Seven Bells

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(Bro Idk y but my brain seems to be sure that this song was in tua but it literally wasn't and i'm so confused.)

"Ugh." I groaned knocking over a plate.

"What was that?" I heard Five yell from the other side of the kitchen we were for some reason asleep in.

"I was using a plate as a pillow apparently." I sighed getting up and walking over to where I heard Five. "Jeez, thought my place was weird but you really just tried to be one with the kitchen appliances."

"Why?" He questioned knocking some of the bowls over. "What did we get up to last night?"


"Luther!" Five yelled out on stage as I danced drunkenly behind him. "Congrats. It's... It's a goddamn miracle, that's what it is. Yeah! I mean, did anyone here think that Luther, of all people, would find someone to touch his...?"

"Yeah!" I yelled pushing Five away from the mic. "The guy's a monkey virgin from space. It's a hard match to make."

"We're all..." Five continued. "We're all thinking about it. It's the elephant in the room, buddy. I wish you well. Happy-- It's not your birthday. Happy wedding day, my friend. Take care."

"There is no time. I can't do this without you. Do we have a deal?" Reginald spoke from within the room.

-End of flashback-

"What was the old man up to?" Five questioned. 

"Real question is.. Why was I sleeping on top of an assortment of plates accompanied by one of Delores' brothers?" I questioned walking back over to where I woke up. 

"That could not have been comfortable." Five grimaced also looking at it. "At least now you can't bully me about Delores."

"Still can, I didn't talk to that mannequin."

"From what I can remember, you definitely did." He spoke smirking slightly.

"Oh god what did I do?" 

"You thought it was me." He chuckled slightly.

"Oh fuck." I spoke with my eyes widened. 

"Yeah, it was bad."

"Do you remember anything else?" 

"Nope. You?"

"I remember you running up the corridor with mannequin legs.." I sighed. "Then I ran up the same corridor with mannequin arms."

"Oh." He chuckled nervously. "Hopefully no one else saw that."

"I hope and pray." I sighed. "Hey, how long do you think we have left?"

"Few hours, maybe a day. It's not very specific."

"Wanna watch the world burn?" I questioned holding my hand out. 

"Sure." He spoke teleporting us outside.

"Surprised theres even this much left." I spoke looking around at the scenery. 

"Mm." He mumbled sitting on the edge of the world.

"It's official." I smiled slightly. "We're the first people to sit on the edge of the world.

"True, not many people can say that." He smiled. "No one can."

We heard footsteps behind us.

"I can recognise those from anywhere." I sighed turning around to see..

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