Chapter 12

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A/N: SO HAPPY MOTHERS DAY¡!!!! ¡ I just wanna say I feel blessed to even be making this story and have all these readers, which makes me ask please read my mom's Poetry of the heart by flaws_imperfections that would be a second great mothers day gift besides the banana poke cake but anyways ENJOY!!!!!!



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In the american styled diner sat two man in a red covered booth. The place had been there for sixteen years and was a favorite to the locals.

Domonic Alexander sat frustrated running his hands through his hair. At times he wondered why he ever bothered to have a social life when it always back fired.

The men had been there for an hour first Domonic telling the events that happened in the past few weeks while Don Quincy sat there with a perplexed look on his face. It was the 3rd argument that they had about the bet. Domonic felt like he was a teenage boy, going around and playing with hearts.

"Saty will tell her I know it!" it was irking him so bad the edge of the table was turning his hand a deep red and looked like a chunk of the table itself would come out.

Don on the other hand found this very amusing, his best friends life seemed to be taking a different turn.

This sounded like some soap opera quite frankly Don thought that Domonic should just come clean, he had never seen his best friend stressed out over a woman before at anytime.

"So your just gonna take a threat from a hoe?" Don asked amused at Saty's antics.

"No but-" Dom looked down to see who was calling his phone. When it read Leah, his eyes widened at the screen, he felt like this was not going to be well.

"Hey kitten" his voice sounded kinda of shrilley.

"Hey can we meet at the office say in an hour. " It wasn't really a question because it sounded rushed.

"Yea sure let me finish talking to my friend"

There were no goodbyes between the two he had assumed she hung because the line went silent, he let out a sigh of relief the guilt was plaguing him. Looking back at Don the look on his friends face was one of curiosity.

"Listen I don't think you should-" Domonic cut him off not wanting to hear any ridiculous plans that ensured trouble wen it came to that man.

Since teens the Quincy's could smooth talk just about anyone into anything, a blessing that can come in handy but a flaw when no one believes your words.

The last cash involved bet that Quincy did was the worst burn he had experienced in life. But, once she broke his heart he kept moving and the bets.

"I don't know what to do I mean how am I supposed to tell Leah we bet $500 on her."

"Since you refuse to listen to me, just meet up with her and see what she want's and tell her if you want".

An hour had gone by and Domonic Alexander stood outside his own office building with shaky legs, he grew up without fear but now knowing that Saty might have told her made him feel so week. After ten minutes debating weather he should go to his office, Domonic went unsure of what would come next.


A click after 5 minutes could be heard had the phone been checked for a hang up.

Leah's heart was pounding abnormally as she heard what he had just said on the phone. Her milky skin was now ghostly with a red tint.

"Leah you look like your gonna pass out" Shauna said concerned.

It was then that the tears started to flow. This whole time felt like it was a lie, he just wanted to wine and dine her. At this point Shauna sat them down grabbing 2 large round cups for wine to be poured in. Hand with a drink and eyebrow raised it was then the revelation came.

"I was going to tell Domonic that I was falling for him. But, thinking that he hung up the phone. He just admitted to who ever that he better $500 dollars on me!" A choked sob ripped from her mouth.

Shauna was skeptical and had her doubts about any man. She couldn't believe the words that fell from her best friends lips. With a sudden rush of anger she saw Leah have, Shauna decided to give her advice that was a calm apporach.

Shauna looked at with sharp eyes which showed no remorse. "Go get him"

Leah ran outside and hopped into her car before speeding to the office. Her hair was wild as she had left the window down and the cute black dress she had put on now felt to uncomfortable to breath with.

When getting there she calmed down and flattened her hair. But she could not take her angry, hurt eyes. In fact they glowed even brighter gleaming with unpredictability.

Sometimes Leah wondered if her life had all been a cruel prank that just kept going.

It was like a very sign to not have an office romance but the way Domonic looked at her with those chocolate brown eyes and used his dazzling style had her feeling like she was the luckiest girl in the world.

This time she wasn't going to let it happen though. Leah Good walked into the empty office building owned by the very man she was after.

Like Shauna said she was about to go get Domonic Alexander....

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